
Tired FTM here

DD is doing amazingly well.  She was born on May 24th at 33 weeks, 4 days and is 7 weeks old and has been home with us for 4 weeks now.  And I am exhausted!  We've been fortunate enough to be able to EBF since she's been home and she's continued to gain weight.  I've stopped the teas and fenugreek for about a week or two now.

Initially, I could get anywhere from a 1-3 hour break from nursing.  But the last couple of days, she's been at it every hour.  It doesn't matter if she nursed for 5 minutes or 20, about an hour later she's screaming her head off.  This happened one night last week and I thought it was a fluke or a growth spurt.

 My midwife seems to think this is from stress and I shouldn't be leaving the house with her at all.  She tells me that it is not about my milk production or supply. 

I don't think it's my milk because there's always milk in her mouth when she pulls away and I still leak a bit, despite the frequent feedings.

How is it possible to continue at this pace?  Any ideas on what is going on here? Or encouragement that this will end?

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Re: Tired FTM here

  • I am not bfing but I've heard a few friends talk about this! It lasted for several days and then resolve itself. Hopefully your lo will take pity on you soon. Hang in there!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • My DD would frequently fall asleep at the breast and my ped had me keep her awake for a full feeding each time. This helped her sleep longer and also get the hindmilk. I would rub her hands, feet, ears, etc. in extreme cases where she just wouldn't eat I would have to flick her feet. That one hurt the worst :( but she absolutely needed to eat KWIM. I couldn't let her go longer that a few hours. Now she is on a self schedule of every 2-3.5 hours. Hang in there!  It WILL get better!!

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