A glass of pinot grigio. The lady at the liquor store suggested it, and its pretty damn good for an 8 dollar bottle. Just put DS in bed and stuffed my face with some chinese takeout.
Me, DH, and DS took a ride to Lowes today to get a new light for our kitchen, since it broke. We ended up leaving with the new light, a new weed wacker, a new mailbox and sticky letters/numbers for it, and some storage bins. Oy vei.
What's everyone drinking tonight?
Re: I'm drinking...
I can't blame you. I remember thinking when i was pregnant that one of the first things i was going to drink after I had him was a glass of wine. I ended up not having an alcoholic beverage until he was at least 2 1/2 months old...and even then it was like one glass. Being up multiple times a night with a wine headache is no bueno!
Hope your little guy starts sleeping a bit longer for you soon!
I'm jealous of your blizzard. I haven't had one of those in years. They are flucking delish.
They make a good Pinot Noir too.
Yum! Do you make it yourself? With fresh fruit and the brandy too? Love me some sangria!
Lol. Sounds like a fun night! Cheap too!
I love Pinot noirs, so I'm going to try that next week. I also had a tasty organic wine that was on sale. Frey's Cabernet Sauvignon. Tart and fruity with a woodsy strong finish