So I've mentioned it before but this is the weekend. A good friend of mine is having a big birthday bash in Vegas. After a LOT of back and forth we've decided to go. However we also decided this while LO was sleeping pretty well, so of course the last few nights have been a train wreck. I'm pretty sure our plan of "I'll go out after I put him down for the night" isn't going to work and that we might as well have stayed home.
Wish us luck!
Anyone else attempting something crazy this weekend?
Re: This is bound to be a disaster
Nope, nothing crazy. Just doing grad school work and cleaning the house. We were super boring before DS arrived, and will continue to be. We laugh a lot, though, so our boringness doesn't bother us.
This sounds like us except we've finished our grad school workloads.
Wow! Now that's a crazy busy time. Hope it went well!
Vegas turned south on me for a reason I was entirely unprepared for! LO was great, slept really well. I still couldn't go out for two reasons I had a migraine and they end up going places too far down the strip for me to get too since I needed to make sure I stayed nearby for whenever LO did wake up. Oh well, at least now we know that LO can handle trips for the most part.
Wow! We were only brave enough to take DS about 6 hours away a month ago.
LO screamed during the ENTIRE ceremony. Not just cry. Screamed. And to make it worse, lately, it seems if you wait to long to feed him, he'll get into hysterics, and not nurse at all. Or maybe it was a combination of feeding/lack of naps in the morning. So even afterwards, when I was trying to nurse him (he refuses bottles... so couldn't really feed him in the middle), he was still screaming. We were lucky to get a couple decent pics afterwards.
My aunt gave him this really nice silver picture frame, with his name engraved. DH said we might have to dress him up, and take pictures at the church again so we can have something to put in there.
On the up side, he dealt with the whole pass the baby thing fairly well afterwards.