
Can baby really flip this late?

Baby  A is now breech at 31 weeks. Was head down in the beginning, transverse around 25 weeks but now breech. Baby b is head down.

They have said that there is still time for them to flip, but I am feeling a little bummed. Can it really happen this late?  

In other news they are doing great and measuring well, estimated at 4lbs1 oz and 4lbs 3oz. I thought that was pretty good for 31 weeks!

Re: Can baby really flip this late?

  • I don't know about the flipping, but those are awesome weights! I hope mine weigh that when we get there! 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • You still have time for baby A to flip.  My baby A flipped at 35 weeks. 

    ~TTC since July 2010~
    CD3 Bloodwork:Normal 
    SA:Low Morph 
    IVF with ICSI #1: ER 12/16 (4 ER/3 Mature/0 Fertilized) 
    IVF with ICSI #2: ER 5/17 (4 ER/4 Mature/3 Fertilized)/ET 5/20 (2 embryos transferred)-BFN 
    IVF with PICSI #3: ER 9/8 (11 ER/8 Mature/7 Fertilized)/ET 9/13 (2 AA blastocysts transferred) 
    Beta#1, 9/26/12: 719 Beta#2, 9/28/12: 1,436 Beta#3, 10/1/12: 3,446
    1st u/s on 10/10/12: It's Twins! We found out on 12/16/12 that we were having two BOYS!
    C & D were born on 5/16/13 at 10:46 am and 10:47 am

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  • Yes. My baby b flipped breech in between 35 and 36!
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  • HK123HK123 member
    I?m 33 weeks and every time I go in for another ultrasound both babies have flipped into a different position. Last week baby A was breech and baby B was transverse, yesterday baby A was head down and baby B was breech, so I definitely think it is possible!
  • lc&jwlc&jw member
    I can understand how disappointing that is, but don't lose hope. My Baby B flipped in my 39th week and several times in the few weeks before that. I have no idea how that was possible.

    TTC since June 2009
    BFP #1 2/22/10 M/C 6w2d
    BFP #2 October 2010 CP
    BFP #3 1/11/11 M/C 8w5d
    IUI #1 Aug 2011= BFN
    IUI #2= BFP #4 9/18/11 missed M/C, D&C 10/18/11
    IUIs #3&4 = BFN
    IVF #1 May 2012 = BFP! Twins!!

    Fraternal twins born Feb. 2013

     Lilypie - (X78c)


  • A2TPA2TP member
    Both A and B BOTH flipped from head down to breech and back again at 37 weeks for me. They were 9lb11oz and 7lb2oz at birth 38w2d. I watched both of them turn, it was wild and uncomfortable!. .
    DS1: 09.12.10
    DS2 & DD1: 01.14.13
  • yep :) still time for little one to flip!:)
    God gave me a double portion for my inheritance with my little Mighty men :) 9/19/10 Baby A born at 1:47 am 6lbs 14oz, 20.5inches long. Baby B born at 3:20 am 6lbs 6oz, 19.5inches long. My double blessing!:)
  • imageA2TP:
    Both A and B BOTH flipped from head down to breech and back again at 37 weeks for me. They were 9lb11oz and 7lb2oz at birth 38w2d. I watched both of them turn, it was wild and uncomfortable!. .

    Oh do I hope I am just like you! I would love weights like that and to make it that far, my Dr says it's highly possible although he doesn't think the weights will be that high, more in the 6 and 7 lbs. Range.

    Mine started both transverse, heads on the left, then both flipped vertical, not sure head up or down, then transverse again, this time heads on the right. They have stayed there for a while now, we will see come Wednesday what they are up to during our u/s. 8 weeks to go! We are a scheduled c-section though, so flipping isn't an issue, just a wild, uncomfortable ride every time they do!

  • My Baby B flipped about twice a day up until 38w on the day of delivery. Our MFM was always shocked to find that he was in a different position for every appt. Both boys were incredibly active and even A was flipping as late at 36/37w. 
    imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • "A" was always head down, but Little Miss B flipped from head down to transverse during labor.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers  image

    Lilypie - (9CKY)Lilypie - (xzY1)

  • My baby A flipped at 32w!
    Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
    Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
    DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
    Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Snugly AelSnugly Ael member
    edited July 2013
    Indeed their weights are great. My baby A has been breech since I stepped into my 3rd trimester. I thought she might flip to vertex later on, but she didn't. Currently I'm 36w and she's still breech, while baby b is transverse. Neither the doctor nor can anyone predict anything. Babies have their own mind and stay in the position they are comfortable in. They are pretty active, but have a mind of their own... Hope yours flip. All the best.
  • mine just flipped in the last two weeks, and we *think* it was when my stomach was tight and I was sick for a day this week when it happened (baby b kept judo-chopping my stomach)
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • My A flipped head down thanks to the Webster technique around 34 weeks.  My B didn't stay still even in labor.


    We welcomed our girls on 11.7.12 @ 40w0d!
    Emerson Lily 6 lbs 13 oz & Ellis Willow 6 lbs 9 oz

  • cadencaden member
    My baby B flipped at 34w. I happened to be getting an u/s at the time and it felt really strange!
    I read somewhere that 25% of babies are breech at 32w (guessing it's higher for twins) but only 3-4% are breech at birth and that's without any procedure to flip them. Apparently as the baby's butt and legs get bigger near term they naturally go to the bigger part of the uterus. I'm not sure how that works with baby B in the way but it's definitely possible! GL!
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