I am looking for one that has the option of:
car seat and toddler seat
car seat and bench
toddler seat and toddler seat
The only one I could find in our price range (about $170) is the Baby Trend Double Sit N Stand but our Snugride 30 doesn't seem to be adaptable. The new Graco double doesn't appear to have the options above that I'll need.
Re: Double Stroller that will take Graco Snugride 30!
Well I just discovered that one. Wasn't sure if I was necessarily thrilled about being locked into a Graco stroller but that might be the one. There's only a few things I don't really like about it and they aren't biggies....
-The parent tray is covered up if you have a car seat attached.
-Could be considered difficult to get to the storage basket, although it is huge. Major plus.
-Cup holder looks flimsy. Don't wanna spill my Starbucks folks! You know how much those fancy drinks cost. lol
I DO like all the combinations though.