

Just want to send a giant kudos to those moms of multiples who are handling the babies on their own. I had our b/g twins almost three weeks ago and have had help since day one and still can't function properly! For those of you handling it yourself or even between you and SO ... Rock on! Don't know what I'm going to do when all my helpers leave!
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Re: Kudos...

  • I'll second that. My girls are 11 weeks old and I'm on my own five hours a day during the week. It's not going that well. In the morning, I count the minutes until my mother's helper arrives. In the afternoon, I count the minutes until my husband gets home. The babies cry, I cry. I can't imagine doing this all by myself for a whole day.

    Congrats on your twins, by the way! And enjoy the help... We had family with us for the first four weeks, it was a lifesaver.
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  • It gets easier.  DH had to go back to work when the kids were a week old.  The first couple months were rough, and then right around 3 months we kind of hit our stride. The 4th trimester is no joke,  There were lots of days that I had to wear DS all day in order to keep him from crying uncontrollably. Meanwhile I would be holding DD and trying to shove a sandwich in my mouth so I didn't starve.Hang in there ladies, you're almost through the tough newborn phase.


    IVF #1 was a success! Harrison and Brooke born at 37 weeks. 6lbs8oz and 6lbs11oz. Loving life as a MoM.

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    Our Little Miracles

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