Cloth Diapering

New to CD

 I had a few questions I got some more CD and am going to start at least part time with my girls ( right now we live in an apartment with no washer/dryer in our unit but we are moving in the fall) What detergent do you like? What do you use for diaper rash prevention? Do you use cloth wipes or can you still use disposables? Sorry for all the questions I am just trying to gather advice and research so I am not too overwhelmed to start

Re: New to CD

  • We have been using Tide Ultra Powder and we've had no issues so far. 

    We've used nothing for diaper rash prevention so far...haven't needed it.  When there was some redness, we gave the bum some air and patted dry each diaper change

    We use cloth wipes (cheap baby wash cloths) dampened with water from a peri bottle. 

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  • We use Nellie's detergent. It's been great, even with our HE FL machine.

     If DD has a rash, I usually use Burt's Bees with a flushable liner. ETA: Nothing needed for prevention.

    We use disposable wipes. I have a small step trashcan near the change table. 

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  • Wow, thats awesome that you're going to try CD even without a washer! Good for you!

    We've tried a few detergents and liked Tide Original best. DS rarely gets any redness but the few times he does naked time clears it right up! Making sure their skin is dry before putting on the new dipe is important. Sometimes I do put some calendula ointment (NOT california baby!) and a sposie on overnight. Also, we started out with cloth wipes (they're healthier and do clean better) but I got lazy and now we're using disposables. Whatever works for you! :) GL and have fun!
  • We use Tide original powder and are happy with it.

    He haven't had a rash yet but we use CJs stick if we see any hint of redness.

    You can use disposable wipes but we prefer cloth ones so that there isn't a stinky trash can with poopy wipes hanging around. 

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