I know the majority of you prefer this spelled with a Y, but H and I love it with an I because its our names combined.
I'm just wondering if this could work as a first name or if we should use it as a nickname?
And if used as a nickname, any ideas on names it would work for? I'm not a fan of Lucille. Thanks!
..Middle name will be Anne.
Re: Luci
I wouldn't side eye this spelling as a first name, but I much prefer Lucy.
Personally I would use Luci as the nn and use Lucia or Luciana as the first name.
Meh. Maybe as a NN but I don't think it stands alone. It also makes me think Kelli, which I can't stand.
All of this. Lucy is a stand alone name.
I sympathize with your name smoosh. DHs mn is Ty and mine is Leigh. So, it we were having a girl, she might have been Tyleigh, which I know would have been sideeyed terribly, but it means something to us.
N '13 November Siggy Challenge- Baby Pictures
Luci is fine as a stand-alone name, although you're right, I MUCH prefer Lucy. Luci just makes me think of Lucifer.
ETA: I completely second the PP that suggested Lucinda Anne!