I really, really like it. A friend had a daughter just before we had ours, and named her Maren. It took me awhile to get used to, but it has totally grown on me
I'd go for the MarEN spelling! And because your older daughter has y's in her name, I'd definitely avoid the spelling with a y.
I really, really like it. A friend had a daughter just before we had ours, and named her Maren. It took me awhile to get used to, but it has totally grown on me :nbsp;I'd go for the MarEN spelling! And because your older daughter has y's in her name, I'd definitely avoid the spelling with a y.nbsp;
This was my exact thought. I'm really not obsessed with y's As it may seem but there were 3 options in the baby book. I read the others differently than how it should be pronounced and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I agree Maren is best. Thanks everyone!
Re: Maren
I don't think it sounds dated.
I like Maren or Marin, either one. Please don't put a y in there
I have a good friend (in her 30s) named Maren.
I like it a lot, spelled that way.
It was a top contender for this baby but Dh wasnt on board.
I really, really like it. A friend had a daughter just before we had ours, and named her Maren. It took me awhile to get used to, but it has totally grown on me
I'd go for the MarEN spelling! And because your older daughter has y's in her name, I'd definitely avoid the spelling with a y.
Married 9-25-2004; Momma 12-14-2009
my read shelf:
This was my exact thought. I'm really not obsessed with y's As it may seem but there were 3 options in the baby book. I read the others differently than how it should be pronounced and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I agree Maren is best. Thanks everyone!