
Sometimes I regret telling my birthstory

I did it again today at work.  Talking to a coworker who is having a baby in 3 weeks, and she asked me if my labor (she knew i had preemies) was a total surprise.  I could have just said yes and stopped there, but noooo I had to go on about the fact that my cervis was long and  fully closed, examined in a triage room and then 15 minutes later had a baby coming out with no doctors or nurses in the room. .. getting somewhat emotional as I went on. 

Of course, we'd expect that when we talk about it, we get emotional and upset, but why oh why do i let myself talk (or think ) about it?  Am i just looking for some free therapy?   Maybe that's it. . . . here i am giving people advice to get help for PTSD, and though i don't have PTSD, i think i need some therapy all the same. 



Re: Sometimes I regret telling my birthstory

  • You know, that's the thing about it all!  I am the same way, to the point that my good friend is avoiding me because she's trying to get pregnant and I think I'm just bad energy because of my obsessiveness about everything that's happened.  And it's not like my preemie birth was a surprise, we knew they'd be preemies well in advance.  It's because of that kind of thing that I feel like I have PTSD and need the therapy.  But maybe it's not PTSD and we just need therapy anyway to be able to get it all worked out in our heads and have it match our hearts too.

     It's a bit like breaking up with a longtime boyfriend when you weren't expecting it to happen.  What is it that they said, for every year that you were dating add one month to your post-dating rebound recovery, or something like that?  Anyway, I think that's what we have to do, recover.


  • I totally think I have PTSD and should probably get help for it. I cannot get over E's birth and how traumatic it was for me. A friend of ours recently went through bed rest (in my old hospital room) and twin preemie (one whom is in Emma's old spot in the NICU) and seeing her makes me want to burst into tears and I feel horrible that I can turn her nightmare into my own. Someday I'll get over this, right?
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
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  • I know, I hate telling the story to pg women. I try to make it sound less serious than it was, although I always emphasize that my condition (HELLP) is really rare.

    I just told DH that I feel like I need to get some therapy. I still think about what happened every day. DH is the eternal optimist, so if I say "hey, wasn't that so scary Marino and I almost died?" and he'll say "yeah, isn't it great you didn't?" I just feel like no one gets it and like I had no time to process what happened. That's why I love this ladies are the only people I "know" that understand...

  • DH just came home and asked me if I thought I had PTSD. Yes DH, I do... so what do you think we're going to do about it??
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • i love to shock people with my birthstory! how many people can say that their husband broke their back and then you went into labor in the ER. anyone? anyone? and hey if they brought up the topic then they asked for it!

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
  • Obviously I'm in a very different boat since I haven't actually HAD DS yet, but I feel a little similarly to this because I have incompetent cervix and every time someone asks me about the due date I'm like, "Oh, well, technically it's March 12, but the only thing holding this baby in is two strands of blue silk thread, so really I'm expecting him when they take the stitch out, which will be February 20 or thereabouts...."

    I need to stop talking to people about my cervix.

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