
STMs: When did you start feeling movement?

I know they say that once you have one you know what their movement feels like. I'm 16 1/2 weeks and "think" I might be feeling them when I lay down on my back. But then I question it because sometimes I think its too high to be them.

When did you go "yep, that was movement alright."

Re: STMs: When did you start feeling movement?

  • I'm 25w right now and started feeling light movement around 16 w but like you, I wasn't sure if it was baby or not. It was up pretty high. By 19 to 20 weeks I was more sure of what I was feeling. And now at 25w they are using my cervix as a trampoline and driving me nuts!


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  • I could distinguish them from gas starting around 16 weeks. Started feeling full on kicks around 1819 weeks.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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  • I started feeling them very early, but wasn't feeling distinct movement until closer to 18 to 20 weeks.
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  • About 19-20 weeks.  I had an anterior placenta that really masked a lot of movement.  It wasn't until probably 24-25 weeks when I could feel them more than just around the edges of the placenta and others could feel from the outside.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

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