August 2012 Moms

Maclaren/ Comparable Umbrella Stroller

I have the B Ready and I love it and it's my only stroller.  I think its time to get an umbrella stroller also.  I would like one that has the recline capabilities like the maclaren.  I really love the quest but wonder if anyone knows of anything comparable that's less expensive.  Is it really worth the price or other stroller??  I've read a lot of amazon reviews but still leaning towards the quest.  Anyone have a great umbrella stroller for $100 or less???
DS1: 8/2012 <3 DS2  8/2017 <3 DS3 10/2018 

Re: Maclaren/ Comparable Umbrella Stroller

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    do you really need an umbrella stroller? we only had the uppababy and used to take it everywhere. especially long trips like the zoo/mall where we wanted him in a comfy stroller. i considered an umbrella for a while but the only thing i imagine it being useful for is if you were flying...but even then they let you gate check strollers right?

    I've been going back and forth for months now. I really love everything about the b ready.  A lot of people say its just too big for them but I never felt that way.  I'm now starting to feel that way and think I need something a little smaller for running errands/quick trips.  We fly about 3-4 times a year and even we've flown, I gate check the stroller.

    My excuse for buying anything out of my price range is I'll also use it for number 2.

    DS1: 8/2012 <3 DS2  8/2017 <3 DS3 10/2018 

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