Baby Names

Amary/Amarie pronunciation

I just read the name Amarie in a book and it reminded me that I know someone named Amary (who goes by a nickname). How would you pronounce this? Other thoughts?


I can't seem to do a poll right now, but do you pronounce them the same?  

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Re: Amary/Amarie pronunciation

  • Amarie = A marie.

    Amary- Aaah-mory (rhymes with armory)

  • Joy, I think this might also be something that relates to your accent. ;) I know some people pronounce Mary/Merry/Marry differently, but I pronounce them all the same. 


    My friend whose full name is Amary (her mom's name is Mary) pronounces it like the Canadian syllable "eh" in front of Marie. EH-marie. Or EH-mur-ee, I guess. Which is how I think Amarie would be pronounced, too. But the nn of the character in the book is Amma, which makes me think it would be more like AMM-uh-ree.  

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  • imagemj.reilly:
    I would probably say:

    Amarie like /ah-muh-REE/ (saying -marie like Marie), because it reminds me of Amelie.

    Amary I just want to say /AY-mare-ee/ (like "A Mary I once knew said..."). It looks odd.

    Blech. Just awkward.


    This is me too Smile



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  • First look, I pronounced it AY-muhree / AY-marie. There is a singer named Amerie and that is how she pronounces it so that's what I thought of.
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  • To me Amary rhymes with mammary and Amarie would be Ahmahree.

    I would say Amerie different as in Ay muh ree, due to the Ame at the beginning of the name making a long A sound.

    I don't really like any of these if we are being asked to opine on them.

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  • For both, I'd guess something like the a in "cat" followed by Marie-- sort of like Ann Marie, but slurred together.  No real reason for this.

    My second guess would be to do Amary to rhyme with Avery, and Amarie as ah- Marie with a French accent (as in "ah, Marie! She is so beautiful!). 


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