I should've posted this yesterday when I was freaking out, but I was too busy trying to not panic it just slipped my mind....I really don't want to throw a pity party but I just need some place to vent as I don't really feel like talking to people about it.....
I was Dx'd w/GD last week, and even though the logical side of my brain is all "hey, this is common, don't worry, it's easily manageable" the mommy side of my brain has been consumed with worry about this. When I got the call at work I was thankfully on my lunch, and sat in my car and cried for 15 min or so before going back in. I am also gluten free b/c of gluten intolerance/IBS, which has left me wondering what the heck do I eat! My counseling apt for GD is Monday, so I feel like I've been walking on eggshells as far as what I put in my body. Work has also been super stressful the last 2 weeks as the ENT I work with has been on call 2 weeks solid (which is C-R-A-Z-Y) so clinic has been much busier than usual. And my husband has been out of town since Monday at a conference in ATL (thank goodness he's coming back tonight!). So it's been a bit stressful overall, but I've been managing.
So yesterday at work I had a meeting early in the morning with my supervisor which pretty much left me in tears. It was over something so stupid that had already been fixed, but she still laid into me and that meeting left me crying in my office again for a good 10 minutes. I started feeling some cramping late morning, and while I've had backaches for the last 2-3 months, I was getting a raging pain in my lower back. I had a long lunch due to the patient schedule, so I went to a store and walked around for a bit, thinking the pain/cramps was from sitting too long, but they just kept getting worse and worse. I finally called my obgyn around 130, and she ordered me home to lay down and pump myself full of fluids. By this point I am freaking the F out - the husband is out of state, and I'm having early labor signs, on top of unmanaged GD. I go home and THANKFULLY after drinking a ton of water and not moving for 5 hours the pain subsides/cramps go away.
DH gets home tonight, but I have an apt w/my obgyn at 130...she seems to think I was just dehydrated and stressed out, but she wants to check me as I'm still having left sided back pain (possibly from an old injury, and I'm still ridiculously thirsty).I just feel so drained and scared right now, sitting here at work has been quite difficult. Yeah.
Thanks for letting me get it all out
Re: scare yesterday at work...
I'm sorry that you have to go through this. About the GD thing I'm sure once you meet with the specialist the dietician will have suggestions for you since you are gluten-free. I'm sure you aren't the only pregnant woman who can't eat gluten and have GD. It's really not as bad as I expected. You just have to count your carbs and eat 3 meals plus 2 or 3 snacks a day (I have 3 snacks a day because they want my to eat right before I go to bed). Pricking your finger 4 times a day isn't fun but it's not as bad as I thought it would be either.
About the cramps thing. You need to be REALLY careful. The same thing happened to me at 26 weeks. I was working (waitress) and I got severely dehydrated which sent me into labor (contractions 3 minutes apart). I ended up spending 4 days in the hospital because the test they ran that would say if I could go into labor within a week all came back positive. So now I can't work and am on a "take it easy" order. Just remember to DRINK A TON OF WATER. When you think you drank enough, drink more. Remember to stay away from tea and soda because that dehydrates you faster.
Try not to let work get to you. I was the same way and would get so stressed at work or about work and everyone told me that it isn't worth my health or my baby's health (this was before the hospital visit too). I now understand that because it could have turned out really bad.
Good luck!
BFP 01/05/2013. EDD 09/18/2013. Low Progesterone. Gestational Diabetes. Rh Negative. Baby Ky-Mani born 100% healthy 09/17/2013. TTC#2 12/2013. BFP 02/01/2014! "Baby RaggaMuffin" due 10/07/2014.
Thanks you guys, I've been saying for weeks I need to start slowing down but I think this definitely put it in perspective for me!! It doesn't help I'm a type A personality that always has to be doing something...though it isn't so bad that what I'll be doing mainly now is feeling the baby kick and punch my insides
I went in yesterday after work and they checked me and Baby out, everything is where it should be and looking good. I also got a Rx for physical therapy to help with lingering back pain (related to my old back injury) so that should help a lot.
Just wanted to say I had GD with my last pg (ds is now 4 months old) and I am also gluten intolerant.
Diet wise the biggest change I had to do was pay attention to the timing of my carbs, and choose between a variety of carbs each meal/snack. Meaning I couldn't have bread at every meal or a lot of fruit. Since my diet was already heavy on vegetables and proteins, I actually had the dr concerned that I was not getting enough carbs or that I was not satisfying my hunger.
A lot of the plain vegetables are "free" for the GD diet and are naturally GF so those made great fillers/munchies.
It really wasn't as hard as I feared it would be when I first found out I had GD.
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