I think I could use advice on what to say to my friend to make her understand how severe a peanut allergy is. I need to know if I'm overreacting.
Our sons have been friends since babies and are 3 now (we are also next door neighbors). About 6 months ago I found out my DS has a severe peanut allergy complete with epi-pen. I told her all about it. So, we went to a show and brought snacks like a month later and she busts out a huge bag of peanuts for her and her kid to eat (in the dark, where my son is taking snacks from a bag of treats)....and she didn't see anything wrong with it. I told DS loudly what they are/why he can't have them and he was good aboout it but the whole time I'm thinking "really...you had to bring that??". I end up letting it go. She just said "oops, I fogot he can't have these" and giggled....
Cut to 4th of July, she does it again when we're at Fireworks. Her son is eating things from a bag of treats and giving my DS some of what he has. Her DS will put his hands in our food and take it as well.I DO bring our own food and do not rely on her to provide snakcs or whatever, and I always pay attention to what they give my son. SO, I notice there's a big ziplock bag of freakin peanuts again. This time I told her how if her child touches the peanuts, then touches the food they're sharing, there could be a bad reaction. I just don't know what would happen, but I don't want to find out. I was really mad at her this time because how hard is it to leave the f'n peanuts at home?
Would this upset you? Am I crazy? I feel like it's not much to ask. I don't even want her kid eating them around mine because her kid will touch everything we have with us and I don't need to be worrying about my DS like that.
Re: Am I overracting to this?
I think you have all rights to keep reminding her, You have to protect your son at all costs!!
You are not overreacting! People die from peanut allergies. DIE. I would try to talk to her before your next outing together and express the importance of not bringing these type of snacks. Let her know that if she doesn't want to "follow the rules" then the kids can't hang out.
Sadly some people just don't get it. If you are willing you could offer to bring snacks for both kids in the future. It will cost you but then you know you are in control.