October 2011 Moms


Anyone else still have a soother addict?

DS only gets his for sleep now, but he NEEDS it for sleep. We haven't even attempted to get rid of it for a couple months since the last time we tried was such a huge disaster. I have a love hate relationship with it because he goes right to sleep with it, but it still (rarely) wakes him up if it falls out of the crib.

I don't want to rock the boat with his sleeping, but I'd really like to get rid of the soother before baby #2 gets here. Guess I should have thought of that before I got pregnant. ;)

Anyone successfully weaned? Any tips?

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Re: Soothers

  • We went cold turkey a few months ago and she has done fine. I just told her one day "I don't have a paci right now" or "I can't find one right now" (which was true!) and just stopped giving them to her. The only time I really really REALLY wish we still had it was in the car when she needs to fall asleep without me, but she even learned to do that.
  • I'm not much help either since we still use one for naps and bedtime too. I tried to take it away once and thought he was doing really well until I checked on him and he was sucking on his fingers. I decided to go back to the paci so that when he was ready there would be something to take away. I was a thumb sucker for much longer than I'd care to admit, so I don't want to start that battle with DS if I don't have to.




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  • choischois member
    We still use one for sleep and have no plans to get rid of it. I don't really see the issue. Sleeping is a good thing, IMO.

    Sleeping is a very good thing! That's the main reason I haven't even attempted getting rid of it lately. I think I just feel a bit rushed now that DS2 is almost here. I can see it now DS2 sleeping peacefully and DS1 stealing his pacifier because his has to stay in his crib. Then there's lots of crying.
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  • Now that we've restricted pacis to nap and bedtime, DD is obsessed with pacis and will hoard them.  She will keep 2 or 3 on hand with her in the crib and will go ape sh8t during the night if she can't keep track of them all when she wakes.  Since we've let things get this far, I don't see us fully weaning  until we can have a rational discussion on why she needs to give up the binkie, especially if the new baby will be using one in the beginning (I intend to wean this one off the binkie by 6 months so maybe both kids at the same time).   
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  • kagl08kagl08 member

    DS still uses his for sleep and he still wakes some nights for us to give it to him if he looses it. I don't mind. He uses it for every nap too. He doesn't have it during the day at all and knows to give it to me as soon as he's downstairs.

    He does get it in the car seat, and that's free game. He can have it in the car if he's whiney, but that's just laziness on my part. I don't want to hear him whine the whole car ride.

    We have no plans to take it away. DS only started STTN at 20 months, so we are just basking in our restful nights right now.  

  • cinsincinsin member
    I also have a binky hoarder. If he doesn't have two for bed, all hell breaks loose. We already have enough sleep issues that I don't care to tackle this one just yet.
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  •  LO is a binke addict!  I was doing well with restricting him to naps/bedtime only until we went on vacation.  I couldn't withold while on a cross country roadtrip.  Now he's back to wanting it all the time!
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  • E still uses her pacis in her crib.  I'm planning to wean her off completely by 2.  With my DS we weaned him off around 2-ish by going cold turkey.  We did cave and let him have it a couple times when he had croup but other than that, he did pretty well.  I'm not sure how we're going to do it with DD- she's more stubborn than DS was and I think she's going to put up more of a fight.  I might try taking her to the toy store and letting her pick out a toy in exchange for giving the cashier all her pacis, but not sure how well that will work.  Good luck!
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  • DD is a binkie addict. I talked to her pedi about it and was told that, even if we did get her to give it up, she'd most likely revert when she saw #2 with one (& would steal his). So, we are going to try to wean her but won't go balls-to-the-wall with the weaning until after DS arrives.

    "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
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