A good friend of mine is pg and due about 1 month before me. They had their big u/s today and found out they are having a girl.
I really want to be happy for them, but I am so jealous. I am so desperate for a girl! I am actually terrified I will be disappointed if we have another boy. But, it is going to be a surprise.
I have kind of talked to DH about it and he is completely supportive of me. But, he cant really say anything to make me feel better about everything.
Basically, I feel like a horrible friend for not being excited for them, and an awful mom for caring so much about it.
Re: I feel like such a horrible person!!!!
We are not finding out because I dont want to. I really want the surprise, and that moment right after the baby is born of finding out.
But, I am not debating finding out just because I didnt realize I felt so strongly about this.
I don't think you can help the way you feel, BUT if you think you might feel extreme disappointment if you wait and it turns out to be a boy, maybe it would be better to find out now.
Maybe when the nest is busier, you can ask some people who didn't find out AND had a preference if they felt disappointment or not? Although it may be different with a second child....
Fwiw, 2 boys is awesome. If you do have another one, you will love it!