Hi all! Would love your thoughts on the the most comprehensive, best priced and/or best incentives for purchasing cloth diapers shop online.
My office is pooling together money towards a GC for all of my CD needs and I'm wondering which site you think would be best. I've been looking at a few (Cotton Babies, Green Mountain Diapers, etc) as well as local retailers but it's hard to tell which is best.
I'm a FTM, baby due end of August. We're going to start off with disposables (unless baby ends up really big) and start using CD once baby fits into size 1/one size diapers.
Also, how much would you say I need to get a full set up? I am planning on doing prefolds and maybe Thirsties covers during the day and the AIO bumgenius freetimes at night with some fitted diapers, pocket diapers, wool covers and extra inserts thrown in. Also need the sprayer!
Thank you ladies in advance for your CDing wisdom!
Re: Most comprehensive CD retailer?
I like Kelly's best. She usually has free shipping over a certain amount and runs free CD codes. She carries all major brands and you can work to get points for gift cards.
As for stash I like to have around 30. So if your doing prefolds and covers do 2 dozen prefolds and 10 pocket/AIO's. Plus 5 covers. Also, Freetimes are not good for night time.
Thank Nana! Super helpful.
What AIO/Pocket would you recommend for nighttime use?
Trust me, I know - my co-workers are amazing! They kept pestering me about what I really needed and I had mentioned trying to piece together a stash from Craigslist they jumped on the chance to get funds together so I'd have exactly the diapers I wanted and brand new.
My good friend (the gal who is organizing the shower) asked me today what site would be best and then asked me for a monetary goal because they hope to beat it! Really feeling loved - helps keep me motivated to work till my due date too
I don't use pockets at night. I use fitteds at night with wool. My favorite pockets are BG 4.0's and Blueberry's.
Good call! I didn't even think about how 4 days a week baby will be CD at daycare.
(Our daycare provides pre-fold CDs for all of their infants and will happily work with any CD system we choose for drop-off/pick-up. Yes, I live in the magical fairy land of Portland, OR!)
I live in Washington State, I know what kind of hippies are around these parts. However, I couldn't afford those types of DC's when my kid was going. However, I couldn't do prefolds every day. My pockets are much better.
A friend of mine registered on Cotton Babies and had a pretty bad experience. I ordered off her registry on there and they sent me baby girl covers... even though she was having a boy and I ordered boy ones, that she picked out. I didn't want her to open them in front of everyone at her shower, so I ran to a local CD store and bought white because that's all they had. I explained later and she said this happened to a couple people who ordered from her registry. Weird.
Kelly's Closet is awesome. I've gotten a handful of free diapers from there over time and that's actually how I found some brands/styles I really like, that I wouldn't have normally tried (one of which is Baby Kicks... love their pockets). I swear... if you sign up for their email there's a free diaper code just about every month.
Kelly's has great customer service but they are constantly out of diapers. I am always really frustrated when I try to shop on her site. I much prefer kissed by the moon and find they have basically the same selection. I also like Nicki's but if I were getting a GC i would use kissed by the moon.
Why pockets for overnight? We use all pockets and love our blueberries for overnight, but I stuff it with a prefold. If you are already planning to use prefolds, I would stick with that or a fitted for overnight.
BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14, EDD 9-9-15
This. Prefolds or fitteds with a cover are far more leakproof than a pocket for overnight. I use a mix of PFs and pockets during the day and even for naps I make sure DD is in a prefold.
I guess I thought the pockets would be easier in the middle of the night. Would have them pre-stuffed and just put them on baby while still half asleep. I also had it in my head that I could get more absorbency with less bulk by using hemp doublers in the pockets. And that the pocket system would have more absorbency with less bulk.
This just reminds me of all of my different options and it's totally going to be trial and error once baby arrives to find out what works best. Gotta remember that there isn't one right way to do it. Thanks so much for the tips!
Ha! I love it - Hi Sarah
You'll have to fill me in what works on your little dude!
Don't get me wrong, I think pockets are easier in general and they can certainly work at night if that is what you prefer, especially if you stuff with hemp or bamboo. Some kids will outgrow the absorbency of a pocket as they get older, but some families use them until PT. But at the beginning night and day will all seem the same anyway
Once LO is older and is sleeping longer stretches, you will probably only change once at night (if at all - to be honest as soon as DS stopped pooping at night I stopped changing him because it woke him up too much), and you'll be so used to prefolds during the day it will seem like second nature to change it at night.
There are a ton of options, you are right, and what works will also change as LO grows - that's why it is so nice to have this board for advice!
BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14, EDD 9-9-15