Cloth Diapering

NB CD question: right after birth?

Did you give the Doctor/midwife/nurse a cloth diaper to put on the baby right away? I have had 2 c/s and will have a third and I just started wondering about this as we didn't start CD until DD2 and not until she was older. So after I get to see the baby, they take her/him, clean her/him up a little, take some vitals and then diaper and wrap the baby, then give her/him to my DH and I. Do I provide a CD for this? Or just let them use a sposie and change the baby into a CD when I'm out of the OR and into the room? It doesn't really matter a whole lot, but what have you done?
My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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Re: NB CD question: right after birth?

  • We didn't start using our CD until a few weeks in (little guy was my first and I was completely overwhelmed without needing to think about diaper laundry). . . but I would have wanted to at least wait until after the meconium stage to use the CD. That stuff is intense and I would think it would be difficult to get off diapers. Maybe others have some experience with that.
  • I brought CDs with my first but just used the hospital disposables until we got home. In the haze and exhaustion post birth it was the last thing on my mind. Food and "omg I just had a baby" were tied for first, lol.

    We'll do the same with this one and just start at home.

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  • I think ill wait to start using the CDs until the umbilical stump falls off.

  • We waited and started when we got home from the hospital.

    The baby came early so we didn't know how big he'd be or need any extra stress in the hospital. Seriously bfing is stressful enough.

    We haven't bought any disposables so I think we're doing good!
  • DS is due this Friday. I'm planning to hold off on the CD's until we get home. My reasons are 1. I don't want to keep track of/lose any in the hospital and 2. I may have a load of DD's diapers waiting for me when we get home, so I don't want to have two loads of CD laundry to do right away.

    If you want to CD right away, I would check with your doctor to see what they say.

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  • My LO was born at a birth center, so we were there about 12 hours total and I didn't start CDs until we were home. I brought CDs, but I just didn't think about it, so the nurse put him in disposables. If I was in the hospital for a few days, I would probably just use disposables there, so I wouldn't worry about losing a diaper or coming home with a big bag of dirty diapers to wash immediately.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • I know several people who did CD's in the hospital and all of them said it was easy and not a big deal. The one friend told their nurse prior to baby being born and baby was put into a CD right after her first bath. Meconium comes out in the wash as well.

    We did do CD's in the hospital when DD2 was born, but waited until the second day, when we knew for sure that we were going home. I only had to bring a few diapers with me and I also didn't have to go home and do laundry immediately. I felt that it was the best of both options. 

    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • Robi1Robi1 member

    We're delivering at a birth center. They don't provide diapers, and they don't diaper the baby for you - so we (DH or I) will put baby's first diaper on after the initial bonding time. We will use cloth diapers right away. We'll only be there 4-6 hours after birth, so only a few diapers tops in that time. Everyone who's actually used CDs for meconium reports that it comes out just fine. I see no reason to buy disposables when I don't have to.

    I think with a hospital stay it is doable, but I can understand the reasons for waiting until you get home. It's really up to you and what you feel you can handle. 

    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
  • I am a little spoiled and have a hospital that only uses cloth diapers so that is what DS started in.  But if they did not have CDs at the hospital I would not worry about bringing the CDs especially with a c/s and staying in the hospital 3-4 days.  That is 12 diapers a day for 3 days so someone would have to do laundry and it wouldn't be me!  Personally I would just use sposies until we got the babe home.  Or maybe bring a couple CDs to change into when going home.
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  • Thanks for the replies!

    In response to a few things mentioned:With both c/s I only stayed 48 hours after, not 3 or 4 days and they don't really go too much those first few days. I've done the NB and BFing twice now so I don't think I'll feel too stressed or over whelmed to deal with it. I may just wait until after I'm in a real room though, possibly just wait until I get home. That's awesome the pp hospital only uses CD! 

    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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