My four year old is having the worst attitude and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it!
We have started a zero tolerance for attitude policy. If he starts sassing, talking back or being rude, we put a chair in the corner for time out. He gets 5 minutes in time out, but it doesn't start until he stops throwing a fit. Though sometimes, he'll stop throwing a fit for a minute or two and then let out this blood curdling scream! A 5 minute time out ends up being 20! We've been doing this for a few months now and his attitude hasn't improved at all.
He also does this other thing where he'll say something like "Fine! I don't want a bed time story!" So i'll say, ok, no bed time story. Then he'll get all whiney and apologetic and say "please can i have a bedtime story!" Then if he can ask nicely, not whining, i'll say yes. If I mess with his bed time routine he'll have nightmares. I can't stand the double talk anymore! All day, every day it's either attitude or double talk and I just can't take it anymore! I don't know what to do and my DH doesn't either. We've joked about pre schooler boot camp!
Please help me! I'm loosing it over here.
Re: Terrible attitude and disrespect from almost 4 year old.
attitude and disrespect x2 here
I havent found a suitable discipline lately. I find time outs or taking things away only escalates the fit.
maybe try turning it around and start pointing out the positive things that the 4 year old does. I would even get a sticker chart and have something he can earn- even a bunch of small prizes from the dollar section at target.
At first give stickers for everything. Like go over board. Wow, you picked up your toys without attitude- here is a sticker. Woah, you didn't talk back when I gave you direction, here's another sticker. Wow! you sat in time out with out having a fit, here are 2 stickers. Like go overboard on the stickers to get by in. Then gradually pull back on the stickers.
Often times kids behave how we expect them to, so you are stuck in this rut of thinking he's being disrectful and naughty, he is going to be. But if you turn it around and start looking for all the things that he is doing well, and ignoring a lot of the sassy stuff - he most likely will step up to the plate.
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Yes! I started doing that recently and it has made a huge difference. At this age they finally understand consequences so offering a reward for good behavior or no reward for bad is very effective.