
Symptoms before labor?

Just curious because with my first child I never experienced labor. I had a scheduled c-section due to his size. I was wondering if anyone experienced any symptoms or changes right before labor. I'm just feeling a little "off" this morning...I won't get into details for fear of grossing anyone out lol. 
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Re: Symptoms before labor?

  • I'm not entirely sure since I was induced and ended with csection with my first.  But on Monday I woke up feeling "off" with just back pain and was actually in labor and didn't realize it.  I spent two days in L&D to stop the labor.  Now I'm on Procardia until I deliver.  Had I been past 34 weeks they wouldn't have stopped it.  If you are unsure about what is happening, it is never a bad idea to call your OB!  I've learned you have to speak up even if you are just feeling "off" because generally something is going on.  Good luck!


  • Sometimes people will get diarrhea, or even throw up in the day or two leading up to labor. Your body can kind of go through a  "cleaning" everything out phase (I threw up while in labor, twice... both times during a contraction!).

    With both pregnancies my water broke at about 5am. With DD contractions didn't start right away, and when they did it felt more like period cramps for the first couple of hours. 

    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
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  • I definitely felt off, beginning the day before. My discomfort got really intense and I felt as though baby A was trying to pry apart my hips. I had been contracting for a month, so I didn't notice a change there. But, I definitely had some bathroom issues for a few days and threw up the morning of my delivery. FWIW, I had an appointment two hours before my water broke and I was fully effaced, but not dilated.
    TTC in 2009, Dx: Unexplained IF
    Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
    12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
    Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!! 

  • Fever. My water broke 30 mins after I took my temp.
  • Back ache. I went for a nice long walk in the hopes of getting things started, then I was so sore and achy and thought, "Well, THAT was a mistake." Turns out it was the beginning of labor though. :) The next morning I lost my plug, and after that it was pretty clear I was in labor. 
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  • Thanks ladies. I woke up this morning and after months and months of being on  iron supplements and having difficulties "going" my system just cleaned itself out. I also vomited. And now all of a sudden, I can barely walk. Feels like these babies are sitting lower than usual.
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  • Extreme back pain and feeling large and swollen all over. I didn't know I was having back labor until my water broke. Good luck!! :)
  • I definitely  felt "off," I couldn't sit still but I couldn't really do anything either. It was a sunday and I stayed home all day. At one point I lost part of my mucus plug but wasn't sure since it wasn't the "bloody show"  I'd heard described (I never lost it with DD). That night I had dreams I went into labor and the next morning I insisted on taking DD to preschool because I just knew they'd keep me in the hospital until I delivered (I was 31w so I figured I'd be on bed rest). I was right except I delivered that day instead of bed rest.

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