Toddlers: 24 Months+

Xp: pull ups

This may have been brought up before. What are people's thoughts on pull ups? Ds is working on potty training. Some days are better than others. On my birthday on Monday he pooped 3 times on the potty and only peed a little in the diaper. Yesterday and today he only did one poop in the potty the others were in the diaper.
I had ordered pullups awhile ago and had them at my inlaws. Today we were over there and grandpa asked about the pullups when ds was on the potty.
I tried them only before with ds and he wanted nothing to do with them.
So I asked him after he went poop in the potty and he said wear pull up. He lived having it on but went poopy in it. After bath tonight, I went to put on a diaper and he was like, no, I wear pull up!
I said pull ups are for when you use the potty. He tried but nothing happened. I put the pull up in him after.
It just kinda happened today. I'm not sure how I feel about them?
I've heard good things and how it made some kids take longer potty training.
Any thoughts?
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Re: Xp: pull ups

  • Once we potty trained, he started wearing underwear all day. If he had an accident, it was more uncomfortable in underwear. Diapers became "night time underwear" and I had a pack of pull-ups for times I was leaving him alone (daycare at the gym, for example) so he thought he was still in underwear but it wouldn't make a huge mess should he have an accident.

    I think if you want potty training to work you need to transition to underwear. You're making it too easy for him to fail by allowing him to wear diapers. If he poops in the underwear, oh well. 

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  • I prefer the approach of ditching the diapers and near-diapers (which is really what a pull-up is).  Given them underwear, or let them go around bare-bottomed.  Otherwise, they learn that they can just use pull-ups just like a diaper.  But I also waited until my daughter was more or less ready to do it on her own, and we talked about it for a while ahead of time, so she knew what was coming.
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  • We went from regular diapers to panties once DD said she was ready for panties. 
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  • I hate pull-ups.  The only reason we started using them was because DS's school preferred them, as they change the kids standing up.  DS treated them exactly like diapers, I suppose because he wasn't ready for PT when we started using them.  They were just even-more-expensive diapers.  Plus, they come in 2 designs per package, and DS always preferred one over the other, so it was a PITA every time  arguing about which pullup. 


    I have heard of some people who use them over underwear so child still feels wetness, but it's less messy.  DS refused to do that.  We just switched to underwear cold-turkey when the time came.

    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
  • When we potty trained, we went straight to underwear during the day, and did pull ups for nap and bedtime.
  • I'm in the camp of they extend the time it takes to potty train and gives the child mixed messages. 
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  • When we started potty training we went right to underwear.  I've only used pull-ups for naptime & bedtime. 

    I would just ditch the diaper & pull-up, and go right to underwear. 




  • Started PTing with bare bottom and then underwear...we did use pull ups for sleep only.

  • Sigh...DD totally treats pull ups like diapers. She wears undies at home but pull ups at daycare, during sleep when we're out, which means she's in undies maybe 25% of the time. I think this may have caused her to refuse to poop on the potty. I'm going to try using her old cloth diaper covers over underwear when we go out, and limit pull ups only to daycare and sleep.
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  • We went straight to underwear, however, that said.. we never treated pull-ups like they were any different than a diaper. I never tried to make them out to be like underwear in that he shouldn't pee in them. At this point, I just find a pull-up to be more convenient for me since it's hard to get DS to lay down to change a traditional diaper. He uses pull-ups now for nap and bedtime but wears underwear at all other times.
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  • imageTiffanyBerry:
    I prefer the approach of ditching the diapers and near-diapers (which is really what a pull-up is).  Given them underwear, or let them go around bare-bottomed.  Otherwise, they learn that they can just use pull-ups just like a diaper.  But I also waited until my daughter was more or less ready to do it on her own, and we talked about it for a while ahead of time, so she knew what was coming.


    Agreed! DD likes her pretty big girl panties. Though she isnt fully ready she does find the difference between diaper and underwear.

  • pull ups are just diapers- we went straight to underwear except for nap and bed time.


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