Alabama Babies

Nursing bras

Help! I cannot find a store in Birmingham that sells nursing bras size 34 GG and higher! Does anyone know of a store in Birmingham that sells bigger nursing bras? Fitting touch does NOT carry higher than 34GG. I've ordered some online but I feel like I'm wasting money in shipping because most don't fit right! Please help!

Re: Nursing bras

  • I'm surprised the Fitting Touch doesn't have it! Could they not point you in the right direction? Have you tried a SuperTarget? They have had the best in store selection I have seen.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yes, I've tried target, belk, destination maternity etc. none of them carry the big CUP sizes. My main problem is little back/huge cup size.
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  • I have purchased my regular bras from Fitting Touch, and once I knew what size I needed, I ordered them from Nordstrom online. Elomi is the brand I use, and they also make nursing bras. (38 FF here pre-pregnancy).
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