
Double Jogger

Can anyone recommend a double jogger? We live on a "country road" (meaning not well kept) and do go off road on the occasion. Thanks!
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Re: Double Jogger

  • From the research I've done, reviews I've read and testing it out in the store, the BOB Revolution Duallie is a really good one.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • We live on a gravel road with a long gravel drive so we have done a ton of research on strollers that work well in those conditions.  My two favs were the Bob and the Bumbleride.  I prefer the Bumbleride looks wise and for the fact that it comes with so many accessories so I think that is what we are going to get. 

    I do have to say though that a friend gave us their In Step Jogger and although it does not have all of the frills of the Bob and Bumbleride it does handle really well in the gravel and rough surfaces.

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  • I haven't tried the Bumbleride or Bobs (although I *really* wanted one of those!).  I have a City Mini for around the neighborhood, but it's def not meant for real off-roading or jogging.  My co-worker gave me her old instep double jogger and I have to say it's fantastic!   Way WAY too heavy for daily use (luv my city mini for that), but it's good for what it does.  I've taken them out jogging a few times and it's nice and not too expensive at all.
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ok, CMW -- I just realized I posted almost the same thing as you!
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagemacchiatto:
    From the research I've done, reviews I've read and testing it out in the store, the BOB Revolution Duallie is a really good one.

     Agreed 200%.  My sis has twins, tried and returned three double strollers bofore settling on the BOB.  She loves it.  If you are not getting the BOB (they are really expensive) make sure you look for one that has the metal reinforcement between the two seats, otherwise babies will lean into each other.  And, it is good because it has two separate canopies (to block the sun).  This is good because the kids cannot see/grab at each other as they get older. 

  • imagecoffee bean:
    Ok, CMW -- I just realized I posted almost the same thing as you!

    That's funny!  I know, I was really surprised at how great the instep was!  It even fits through our front door!  It is heavy though.

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