
Roll Call!

Who's here and what are you doing?

I am eating Biscoff cookies while we wait to make dinner. Today I have yet another reason to hate my Pedi's office. They told me they moved his appointment to noon. I wrote it down in my planner (yes I still keep a planner like a HS kid) and got the confirmation call yesterday for noon. I show up 15 minutes before noon and they say his appointment was at 11 and they make it sound like it was my fault. Anyways, his pedi appointment is on Monday now. Grr. Then I took Ein to the vet for her second Lepto shot and Trifexis. We scheduled her to get fixed in early August as well. I haz a headache too.


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Re: Roll Call!

  • That gif is killing me! You had to post that Nana, now didn't you? I used to have a golden... gotta love 'em!
  • Yeah, I love that gif. Sometimes I thin my cat tries to get LO to pet her. So cute.
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  • I'm still dying at FuckyDad. 
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  • I'm here. Enjoying rare alone time, watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen while I wait for BB to come on. Also trying to stay off Twitter and FB so I don't accidentally see spoilers.

    My daughter went on a trip with my parents and my hubby and son are gone doing boy stuff.

    It's a pretty good Fourth Eve.
  • DH and I are about to watch Argo.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • I'm here, I think because of the a*holes lighting fireworks a street up. I was trying to go to bed because DS2 usually wakes around 1ish and I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in a few days. Effing fireworks (and, to be fair, his own stinky farts) keep waking my poor baby up. I finally got him down, got all comfy in bed and then I heard some more fireworks over the monitor and here I am, nursing DS2 to sleep for the 3rd time tonight. Boo. Sorry for the vent.
  • imageandrea99:
    Here. Covering myself in Icy Hot. My gym time kicked my today.nbsp;DH and I just started Identity Thief. I had to see this for myself with all the sh!t reviews. nbsp;

    Spoiler alert: it's not a good movie.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageSoxgirl07:
    I'm here, I think because of the aholes lighting fireworks a street up. I was trying to go to bed because DS2 usually wakes around 1ish and I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in a few days. Effing fireworks and, to be fair, his own stinky farts keep waking my poor baby up. I finally got him down, got all comfy in bed and then I heard some more fireworks over the monitor and here I am, nursing DS2 to sleep for the 3rd time tonight. Boo. Sorry for the vent.

    I think that's a well deserved vent! Hope you get some sleep soon.
  • I'm here, watching YGG and cuddling up on the couch with my kid. H is more than likely working overnight and the kiddo is sick, so we're just going to sleep on the couch tonight.

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  • You wanna know what I find weird? That when women get their period it means they aren't fertile and tat they didn't conceive that month. When dogs get their periods it means they are fertile and horny as ballz.
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  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    You wanna know what I find weird? That when women get their period it means they aren't fertile and tat they didn't conceive that month. When dogs get their periods it means they are fertile and horny as ballz.

    It is odd, but I am glad that period time =/= fertile time for humans. I actually got into an argument about this very topic with a girl in middle school one time. I was right. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • DW is at the gym. I need her to come back so I can go buy beer.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:
    Thank FlyingSpaghettiMonster for Oreos. Mmmm.

    I am still holding my Oreo binge against you. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.

    I hadn't eaten Oreos in years... 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageLexiLupin:
    Also, I love that the Thread That Shall Not Be Named (The Scottish Thread?) devolved into a gif argument like... 700 posts after it turned into a gif fest.

    I wish that thread was called "What it do". It doesn't matter why.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageLexiLupin:
    Also, I love that the Thread That Shall Not Be Named (The Scottish Thread?) devolved into a gif argument like... 700 posts after it turned into a gif fest.

    Twas more like shouting at the wind, but I prefer the Simpsons reference.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    6 hours ago-

    Me: We should have sex tonight. 

    H: ...okay. 

     (Romantic and spontaneous, aren't we?)


    Me: [f'uck, I hope he's forgotten about that, I'm tired as hell...]

    Yes, welcome to parenthood. Spontaneous Sex? Gone. And you really have to strike while the iron is hot in terms of desire. Can't put it on the back burner.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    I'mma just keep talking to myself here.

    So Ohio is winning the shmasmortion douchebaggery contest. Their law requires abortion providers to have transfer arrangements with a hospital- but with the new specification that public hospitals are barred from having such arrangements with abortion providers. And private hospitals, being generally religiously affiliated, are far less likely to agree to such a partnership.

    It really does seem like Supreme Court baiting. It doesn't *seem* like a law that will hold up to legal challenges. But it's gonna cost abortion defenders time and money to get struck down.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Anyone else having error central? Maybe those updates are happening.
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  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    Anyone else having error central? Maybe those updates are happening.

    Yep. It's annoying, but whatever. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageLexiLupin:

    I'mma just keep talking to myself here.

    So Ohio is winning the shmasmortion douchebaggery contest. Their law requires abortion providers to have transfer arrangements with a hospital- but with the new specification that public hospitals are barred from having such arrangements with abortion providers. And private hospitals, being generally religiously affiliated, are far less likely to agree to such a partnership.

    It really does seem like Supreme Court baiting. It doesn't *seem* like a law that will hold up to legal challenges. But it's gonna cost abortion defenders time and money to get struck down.

    I don't know- does 'public' hospital mean they receive state funding?

    Possibly? I don't know the details there.

     I really need to bone up on my abortion law. I was under the impression that maintaining access was a key part of Roe v. Wade. Given the current Supreme court composition, I'm not sure why states keep passing these laws. I guess they're just testing Justice Kennedy's resolve?
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    DS is asleep.

    He slept 5 straight hours last night, which is his longest to date. I of course only caught 3 of those hours, but it was still glorious. He woke up after another 2.5 hours at 7 and even then went back to sleep for a couple hours after he ate.

    Let's hope we're on to something here. 

    This isn't to discourage you, but DS slept 5 hours the first night home (3 days old, I think?) and it never happened again. I'm lucky to get 3 hours out of him after he goes to bed for the night. It's every 2-ish hours after that.  

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • The Single Parents board got a teensy bit of action over there today and yesterday. It's still mostly boring as sh!t, though. We sometimes rival the Dad's board with slow days. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageRunaway22:
    The Single Parents board got a teensy bit of action over there today and yesterday. It's still mostly boring as sh!t, though. We sometimes rival the Dad's board with slow days. 

    I don't even think that a lot of the older posters even post there anymore. Though I do still follow an old SP blog.

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  • My dog trainer has me reading this book. So far it has told me nothing useful for like... 4 chapters.
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  • imageLexiLupin:

    My dog trainer has me reading this book. So far it has told me nothing useful for like... 4 chapters.

    Sounds like money well spent.

    The first 2 were talking about getting said dog and pre baby stuff. All of which doesn't help me cuz we already have said dog and the baby was here before we got said dog. However, it did have some interesting ideas for teaching Ein not to steal toys.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageLexiLupin:
    Oh. Am I supposed to get separate toys for the baby and the cats?

    I don;t think you have to worry about your cats destroying stuffed animals and chewing up toys, so no. LOL

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  • Lexi, I actually *wrote* about 400 words tonight!

    I'm cautiously optimistic about this long weekend too.

    Of course, it's really seeming like it's either write or gym, not both.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Cat and baby toys are interchangeable until maybe 4-6 months. Although <3 month old babies don't even really need toys, period. Your pinky finger is a toy to them.

     This is perhaps the first time I have typed <3 and had it literally mean less than 3.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageRunaway22:
    The Single Parents board got a teensy bit of action over there today and yesterday. It's still mostly boring as sh!t, though. We sometimes rival the Dad's board with slow days. 

    Hey now, the Dad's board is jumping compared to what it was when I joined. We've built a nice little community.

     We have something like TEN new threads in July so far!!!!1!
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    Lexi, I actually *wrote* about 400 words tonight!

    I'm cautiously optimistic about this long weekend too.

    Of course, it's really seeming like it's either write or gym, not both.

    What happened to the beer?


    I stared at my word doc for ten minutes. Does that count?

    In college I called that "research".

    I am drinking said beer now. Trippel by New Belgium.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    Hey now, the Dad's board is jumping compared to what it was when I joined. We've built a nice little community.

     We have something like TEN new threads in July so far!!!!1!

    FFJ4C- DH joined the site a handful of months ago. One of those 'what the hell is so riveting about that place?' sorts of things. I think he posted on the dad board all of 5 times maybe.

    He's military, right? I imagine he can't sit around on a computer all day and post like I can.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I just wanna give the Single Parents board one giant creepy internet hug. Cuz it sounds like a lot of them feel seriously judged for things like *gasp* staying out late (when their child is with a trusted sitter) and having sex! It's like they're giving it away without the man putting a ring on it! *eyeroll*

    However, I do have to pat pat those newbies who don't realize that essentially every board is the same site.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    I just wanna give the Single Parents board one giant creepy internet hug. Cuz it sounds like a lot of them feel seriously judged for things like *gasp* staying out late (when their child is with a trusted sitter) and having sex! It's like they're giving it away without the man putting a ring on it! *eyeroll*

    However, I do have to pat pat those newbies who don't realize that essentially every board is the same site.

    I felt really bad reading one of those threads. That was one thing I never saw on my BMB, despite how much drama we could make of anything else. I think like once I saw something approaching that vibe on Parenting, and it was quickly shot down.

    Also, is it bad that I'm sort of proud of my spectacular departure from May '13? LOL. (That was the doomed plan to transplant FFST that resulted in much anger & sadness, if you recall)

    It was a pretty spectacular flame out.

    I bet you could go back now that those ladies have popped and have their babies. It seemed like there were angry ladies and ladies who were more confused/amused/bemused.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:
    I think I'd like to hit 3800 posts before going to bed.

    This is not the most ambitious of goals.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    It was a pretty spectacular flame out.

    I bet you could go back now that those ladies have popped and have their babies. It seemed like there were angry ladies and ladies who were more confused/amused/bemused.

    Hey, he came early (the day after said flame out, actually- such timing) and ended up being an April baby. May is dead to me. Stick out tongue


    April Babies Rock!
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    *so long as you support the arts**

     **see what I did there?

    Not only do you have to support the arts, you have to support your kid majoring in Underwater Basketweaving even if they are paying 40k a year to do so.

    Also, you have to return your carts.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLexiLupin:

    April babies do rock.

    DS was born on the 26th, which is the day Shakespeare was baptized, which is as close as we know to his actual birthday, so I'll take it. Had he been a girl, he probably would have ended up being named Juliet. We had 3 big contenders, but I imagine the Shakespeariness would have made that win out over the other 2.

    Didn't have any Shakespeary boy names though. Sad.

    Hamlet? Othello? Romeo? Lear? Richard?
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • So Cade had a Yogurt drop stuck to his upper lip that made him look like he had a Hitler stash. It was hilarious.
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  • imageLexiLupin:

    Holy Egyptian coup!


    So much for sleep. 

    Yeah... at least when we're unhappy with our democratically elected President a year later, we're stuck with them.

    But our legislative branch actually has some significant power.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLuckyDad:

    Lexi, I actually *wrote* about 400 words tonight!

    I'm cautiously optimistic about this long weekend too.

    Of course, it's really seeming like it's either write or gym, not both.

    What happened to the beer?


    I stared at my word doc for ten minutes. Does that count?

    In college I called that "research".

    I am drinking said beer now. Trippel by New Belgium.

    I *just* finished this beer. Apparently it now takes me an hour to drink a beer. Although I did soothe DS back to sleep during that time.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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