Who's here and what are you doing?
I am eating Biscoff cookies while we wait to make dinner. Today I have yet another reason to hate my Pedi's office. They told me they moved his appointment to noon. I wrote it down in my planner (yes I still keep a planner like a HS kid) and got the confirmation call yesterday for noon. I show up 15 minutes before noon and they say his appointment was at 11 and they make it sound like it was my fault. Anyways, his pedi appointment is on Monday now. Grr. Then I took Ein to the vet for her second Lepto shot and Trifexis. We scheduled her to get fixed in early August as well. I haz a headache too.
Re: Roll Call!
My daughter went on a trip with my parents and my hubby and son are gone doing boy stuff.
It's a pretty good Fourth Eve.
Spoiler alert: it's not a good movie.
I think that's a well deserved vent! Hope you get some sleep soon.
It is odd, but I am glad that period time =/= fertile time for humans. I actually got into an argument about this very topic with a girl in middle school one time. I was right.
I am still holding my Oreo binge against you. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.
I hadn't eaten Oreos in years...
I wish that thread was called "What it do". It doesn't matter why.
Twas more like shouting at the wind, but I prefer the Simpsons reference.
Yes, welcome to parenthood. Spontaneous Sex? Gone. And you really have to strike while the iron is hot in terms of desire. Can't put it on the back burner.
It really does seem like Supreme Court baiting. It doesn't *seem* like a law that will hold up to legal challenges. But it's gonna cost abortion defenders time and money to get struck down.
Yep. It's annoying, but whatever.
Possibly? I don't know the details there.
I really need to bone up on my abortion law. I was under the impression that maintaining access was a key part of Roe v. Wade. Given the current Supreme court composition, I'm not sure why states keep passing these laws. I guess they're just testing Justice Kennedy's resolve?
This isn't to discourage you, but DS slept 5 hours the first night home (3 days old, I think?) and it never happened again. I'm lucky to get 3 hours out of him after he goes to bed for the night. It's every 2-ish hours after that.
I don't even think that a lot of the older posters even post there anymore. Though I do still follow an old SP blog.
The first 2 were talking about getting said dog and pre baby stuff. All of which doesn't help me cuz we already have said dog and the baby was here before we got said dog. However, it did have some interesting ideas for teaching Ein not to steal toys.
I don;t think you have to worry about your cats destroying stuffed animals and chewing up toys, so no. LOL
Lexi, I actually *wrote* about 400 words tonight!
I'm cautiously optimistic about this long weekend too.
Of course, it's really seeming like it's either write or gym, not both.
Cat and baby toys are interchangeable until maybe 4-6 months. Although
month old babies don't even really need toys, period. Your pinky finger is a toy to them.
This is perhaps the first time I have typed
and had it literally mean less than 3.
Hey now, the Dad's board is jumping compared to what it was when I joined. We've built a nice little community.
We have something like TEN new threads in July so far!!!!1!
In college I called that "research".
I am drinking said beer now. Trippel by New Belgium.
He's military, right? I imagine he can't sit around on a computer all day and post like I can.
I just wanna give the Single Parents board one giant creepy internet hug. Cuz it sounds like a lot of them feel seriously judged for things like *gasp* staying out late (when their child is with a trusted sitter) and having sex! It's like they're giving it away without the man putting a ring on it! *eyeroll*
However, I do have to pat pat those newbies who don't realize that essentially every board is the same site.
It was a pretty spectacular flame out.
I bet you could go back now that those ladies have popped and have their babies. It seemed like there were angry ladies and ladies who were more confused/amused/bemused.
This is not the most ambitious of goals.
April Babies Rock!
Not only do you have to support the arts, you have to support your kid majoring in Underwater Basketweaving even if they are paying 40k a year to do so.
Also, you have to return your carts.
Hamlet? Othello? Romeo? Lear? Richard?
Yeah... at least when we're unhappy with our democratically elected President a year later, we're stuck with them.
But our legislative branch actually has some significant power.
I *just* finished this beer. Apparently it now takes me an hour to drink a beer. Although I did soothe DS back to sleep during that time.