
Moms of boys....

I just had my second DS last Friday. It was a surprise and we didnt know the sex. DH and I always said we would probably only have two kids. I love my boys and think that it is so cool to have two boys close in age but apart of me couldn't imagine life without a girl. I always thought I would have a girl and now that I think we are done having kids I am a little sad that I wont be able to do girl things. Do you feel the same? I don't dewell on it I just think to myself that I never thought I wouldn't have a girl, you know.

Re: Moms of boys....

  • I think all moms of boys (and only boys) go through that feeling at some point. ?I sort of felt that way after my ultrasound and the second half of my pregnancy with Bennett, but now I am so excited about my two boys. ?They are still young, but they absolutely adore each other, and I can't wait until they get older. ?I think I was a little down at first because I felt like I wanted to experience something new, and I'd already HAD a boy baby. ?lol ?It didn't take me long to realize that Bennett didn't need to be a different gender to be a completely different person from his big brother. ?I'm pregnant again, probably for the last time, and I'm going through the same thing again. ?I do think having 3 little boys would be fun, but part of me really wants to have a daughter.

    Just out of curiosity, are you glad you waited to find out? ?Or do you wish you'd found out at the ultrasound and had time to process it? ?I'm leaning towards not finding out this time.

    ?Congratulations on your baby boy!?

  • No I am so glad I didnt find out the sex. I actually wanted to know but DH didnt. Everyone thought I was having a girl and when my DH told me it was a 'boy' I was shocked but so happy. As long as he was healthy that is all that matters. And like you said it is so neat to have two boys that will be close in age.
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  • I've done plenty of girl things my whole life.  Now I'm excited to be doing boy things and buying boy clothes and just generally getting a better understanding of the male psyche. 

    Honestly, when I think of what a sneaky little thing I was growing up - I'm glad I am raising a male.  True they can be rough and tumble - but they also tend to be very straight forward.  Not a lot of artifice.

    I also think it's really tough to raise a girl these days.  There are just so many more negative role models out there for girls.  It will be a real challenge to give a girl a sense of real self esteem that isn't related to her cup size or male conquests.  Not to mention keeping her out of those "ho" clothes they sell for girls now.

    Be happy you've got boys.  It's a whole new world! :-)

  • I have two boys and yes occasionally I want a girl.  We do plan on having a third however, so there is a chance.  There is also a chance i'll have three boys, and thats fine too.  My boys LOVE each other, it is so fun to watch.  Yes, the girl clothes are a lot more fun!  But when I get the desire for a girl I remind myself of all the pre-teen and teenage girls I know, and am so glad for my boys! 
  • I also have two boys, and am so glad they have each other and are so close in age.  The main reason I'd love to have a girl is because it seems like the old adage "a daughter's a daughter all her life, a son's a son till he takes a wife" rings true in a many families.  My brother is very close to my parents/me, but he just got married last month and already we will not see him for Thanksgiving this year :(  I do hope it ends up being half and half with her family over time, but they live in the same town as her family and she is very close with them as well.  I know that between my DH and I, we are much closer with my family and spend more time with them overall - it just works out that way (I tend to make our plans and DH just never steps up with plans for his family no matter how much I point out that it'd be nice to see them for various occasions). 

    We do hope to have 1 or 2 more children, and while I'd be thrilled with three little boys (I won't risk 4, so if #3 is a boy we are done), it'd be so neat to have 1 or 2 girls as well - just for the experience of raising both genders...but I think I'd be fine with it pretty quickly.  I have come to LOVE buying boys clothes, now that I've figured out what I like and what places carry the styles I like :)  I actually find a lot of the girl stuff to be too pink and frilly, and I know I'd have to relearn my shopping habits (not a bad problem to have, of course!).  

    I have rambled, sorry - but I get how you feel, it's normal, and I bet ultimately you'll be thrilled you avoided the drama of girls :) 


    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • I love my two boys more than anything. ?When I found out #2 was a boy during the ultrasound I cried for a few hours after. ?It wasn't that I didn't want another boy because my first DS is the love of my life, I love having boys, it's the fact that I might never have a little girl. ?I'm not that girly so the only reason I'd want to ahve a girl is to have the kind of relationship with her that I have with my mom. ?When I said that to my best friend though, she brought up a good point. ?What if I had a girl, and we didn't have that kind of relationship that I'd so hope for....I would be really let down. ?Anyway, I ADORE both my boys and since they are 17 months apart I think they will be great friends. ?Luke who is 4 months is already starting to watch Ben and get excited when he comes in the room. ?
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