Cloth Diapering

Cloth diapers in a front load washer

Right now I am leaning towards doing cloth diapers but I heard front load washers aren't good for cloth diapers. Has anyone tried it?

Re: Cloth diapers in a front load washer

  • Plenty of people do it.

    We've only ever had a front loader, here and in our previous home. You just have to get to know your washer, figure out which cycles use the most water. Some people add a wet towel to "trick" their machine into adding extra water but we have never needed to do this. 

  • We're approaching a year and a half CD-ing with a front loader. It hasn't been an issue at all.

    I think a lot of people on here have front load machines.

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  • I have a FL, I think it works fine. Every couple of weeks, after I complete my regular wash I was my inserts by hand so I can make sure they are throughly rinsed, takes me an extra 15 minutes and I rather enjoy it, kind of therapeutic, lol.


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