Cloth Diapering

Detergent Advice

I have an LG front load washer with soft water (we have a water softener).  What is the best detergent for me to use?  Are there any that I should avoid due to that combination?  I believe my washer has an option to use more water if that matters.  I haven't looked into it too far as I am just building my stash and I'm not due until fall.

Re: Detergent Advice

  • Soft water is the easiest to work with.

    What do you normally use on your clothes?


    The advice that was give to me when I started CD'ing was to pick the easiest washing solution first.  If that didn't work, then try something more complicated.

    So, I would suggest picking a detergent that is easy for you to get.  Try it for a while, if you have issues with it then troubleshoot.  There's really no one guaranteed to work detergent for everyone.  It just depends on your particular water/washer/diaper type combination.

    I will say, whatever you pick, use about 1/2 what the recommended amount is.  With soft water and at FL, it will be easy to get detergent build-up.


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  • I use all free and clear for normal clothes.  I was planning to try Nellies.  Would 1 Tablespoon or 1/2 tablespoon get a full load of about 24 pockets or All in ones clean?
    I don't use Nellie's, but in general if the recommended amount for a top loader is 1 tbsp. then start by using 1/2 tbsp. for a full load of diapers in a front loader.  You may have to tweak that a bit once you get into your routine if you find you're getting stink or ammonia.
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  • I use Soap Nuts from Green Virgin Products. I also use OxyBoost on occasion. I have used this combo with hard water and it works great, so I imagine if you have a water softener it would be perfectly fine. Plus, the cost savings of using Soap Nuts is ah-mazing! I will be buying another bag Friday - second time I have bought laundry soap this year. Yups, you read that right. No more buying a bottle of laundry detergent every month!
  • imageDanielle2482:
    I use all free and clear for normal clothes.  I was planning to try Nellies.  Would 1 Tablespoon or 1/2 tablespoon get a full load of about 24 pockets or All in ones clean?

    I use Nellie's in a front loader. My machine (although it will fit more) can only clean a maximum of 18 pocket diapers at once. If I throw that many in, I use a rounded tablespoon of Nellie's. Or a true tablespoon for fewer diapers. 

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