Trying to Get Pregnant

Is it possible I'm pregnant?

I've been noticing some changes in my body. I've noticed I feel fatigued everyday, my breasts are really sore, my clothes are tighter, breasts are larger, moody, two months late for my period, and I have these strange spasms in my lower abdomen area (which I know is not gas). A few days ago I also noticed some spotting. The spasms started this morning and haven't stopped. If you have any ideas please help.

Re: Is it possible I'm pregnant?

  • imagebritaj9083:
    I've been noticing some changes in my body. I've noticed I feel fatigued everyday, my breasts are really sore, my clothes are tighter, breasts are larger, moody, two months late for my period, and I have these strange spasms in my lower abdomen area (which I know is not gas). A few days ago I also noticed some spotting. The spasms started this morning and haven't stopped. If you have any ideas please help.

    Umm... Have you taken a pg test??


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • My brilliant idea: take a pregnancy test. We have no way of knowing what's in your uterus, but a test will.

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  • The only real way to know is if you smell like tacos, and you inject a rabbit with your pee.


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  • So glad a lot of you are understanding and not sarcastic or anything. It's two in the morning so I can't get a preg test. That was my first idea. I just put all these symptoms together and got worried. Thought maybe some people would be understanding and maybe have an idea if it sounded possible.
  • imagebritaj9083:
    So glad a lot of you are understanding and not sarcastic or anything. It's two in the morning so I can't get a preg test. That was my first idea. I just put all these symptoms together and got worried. Thought maybe some people would be understanding and maybe have an idea if it sounded possible.

    You just now put it together after being "late" for 2 months?!?!

    Oh, you would be pregnant. You would.

    And p.s... Saying you're "worried" about being pregnant to women on a board called Trying To Get Pregnant - classic.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'd suggest taking a pregnancy test, cos no one here is going to be able to tell you if your pregnant or not. It's either your cycle is longer then usual or possibly pregnancy but only way to tell is taking a test.
  • I wasn't saying worried like i don't want to be pregnant. I meant something entirely different. And as for the not thinking pregnancy after being late, it's just because it's happened before. I didn't mean to cause problems with people on here or offend anyone. Idk I was just hoping for some advice or something. Who knows...
  • imagebritaj9083:
    I wasn't saying worried like i don't want to be pregnant. I meant something entirely different. And as for the not thinking pregnancy after being late, it's just because it's happened before. I didn't mean to cause problems with people on here or offend anyone. Idk I was just hoping for some advice or something. Who knows...

    Ohhh, you meant THAT kind of worried, of course we should magically be able to read between the lines of what you typed to us on the keyboard and find the hidden meaning.  So you're TRYING and yet it still took you two months to realize you we're late? Wow.

    At any rate OP, you got the only advice that makes any sense, take a test. Oh, and sometimes long cycles just happen.  What else can we possibly tell you? We're not doctors and we're not peesticks, we can't possibly tell you what is going on with your body,



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • Answer to your first question...Yes it's possible.

    Advice you are seeking....Take a pregnancy test. If you've waited for your period 2 months then you can wait until morning. Want more encouraging advice? If you're having unprotected sex then maybe you should start taking prenatals. If your test is negative and it's been over 60 days without your period call a doctor.

    GL figuring it out...
  • My new go to answer for these ridiculous posts... Us saying you're pregnant doesn't mean siht unless you POA freaking S. good luck.
  • imagebritaj9083:
    It's two in the morning so I can't get a preg test.

    My first pg test when I was 18 I took welllll after midnight. Thanks, 24 hour Walgreens.

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • imageTUSBride22:

    So glad a lot of you are understanding and not sarcastic or anything. It's two in the morning so I can't get a preg test. That was my first idea. I just put all these symptoms together and got worried. Thought maybe some people would be understanding and maybe have an idea if it sounded possible.

    You just now put it together after being "late" for 2 months?!?!

    Oh, you would be pregnant. You would.

    And p.s... Saying you're "worried" about being pregnant to women on a board called Trying To Get Pregnant - classic.

     Seriously!  Telling a bunch of women that are actively, desperately trying to get pregnant that you're worried about being pregnant.  And by the way, Walmart is open at 2am.  If you've been late for 2 months, why the heck hasn't it occurred to you before now?  Of course it's possible, especially if you've missed your period.  Good God.  Go POAS!

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  • I'm assuming you have a definite answer by now since you were so quick to ask all of us at 2 am, you MUST have gone to the store and POAS by now. 
  • Also, if you actually ARE pg, and haven't had your period for 2 months, you need prenatal care by now, I would think.

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

    BabyFruit Ticker


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  • imageCLECyclist:

    OP, I honestly don't see how you could go two months and not get a test. I only say this because I test when I'm one day "late" or even before!

    That's your best bet, though. Take a test. If it's negative, you might be having a really long and janky cycle. Assuming it's been 60 days and you're not pregnant, you may want to give your OB a call.

    Pretty much all of this. You probably just O'd late.

    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
  • Are you TRYING to get pregnant?... if so, you have more strength than me, I can't even wait until I'm 2 days late to test! (although if you are trying, and really are 2 months late - you need prenatal care, asap!) Which leads me to believe you aren't trying? I have always had long, crazy cycles and when I wasn't TTC, I never had ANY clue what my body was up to. (I had to randomly take pregnancy tests during long cycles *just in case*) Buy a test when you can, that's all you can do. You might be, you might not be.

    eta: details

    TTC#2 Since July 2011
    Me: 29, had two blocked tubes - left was cleared during lap, right was unable to be cleared. PCOS & Stage 2 Endo. DH: 32, SA = perfect
    CLOMID: 4 rounds, 50mg + TI = BFN's. FEMARA: 1 round = no response
    12-24-2012 : Laparoscopy, Softball sized cyst/endo/scar tissue removed.
    Cycle #14 - Feb 2013 : 50mg clomid. Ovidrel Trigger. IUI on 2/14/13 = thin lining, multiple cysts.
    Cycle #15 - no meds, still have cysts, no follicles. Boo!
    Forced break. Continuous BCP for 6 weeks to give my jacked up ovaries a break.
    Cycle #16 actively trying (May/June): Femara, TI = BFN
    Cycle #17- #20 - Med/Treatment break, trying on our own = BFN's all around.
    Cycle #21 - Femara, MORE Femara, Ovidrel and a Christmas IUI = BFN
    MY BLOG -- About DD, TTC and everything in between!

  • imageGhostMonkey:

    Are you TRYING to get pregnant?... if so, you have more strength than me, I can't even wait until I'm 2 days late to test! (although if you are trying, and really are 2 months late - you need prenatal care, asap!) Which leads me to believe you aren't trying? I have always had long, crazy cycles and when I wasn't TTC, I never had ANY clue what my body was up to. (I had to randomly take pregnancy tests during long cycles *just in case*) Buy a test when you can, that's all you can do. You might be, you might not be.

    eta: details

    Your point?


    I was guessing/assuming she isn't trying - that's why I added the fact that I had crazy cycles and had to test occasionally when I wasn't actively trying. 

    TTC#2 Since July 2011
    Me: 29, had two blocked tubes - left was cleared during lap, right was unable to be cleared. PCOS & Stage 2 Endo. DH: 32, SA = perfect
    CLOMID: 4 rounds, 50mg + TI = BFN's. FEMARA: 1 round = no response
    12-24-2012 : Laparoscopy, Softball sized cyst/endo/scar tissue removed.
    Cycle #14 - Feb 2013 : 50mg clomid. Ovidrel Trigger. IUI on 2/14/13 = thin lining, multiple cysts.
    Cycle #15 - no meds, still have cysts, no follicles. Boo!
    Forced break. Continuous BCP for 6 weeks to give my jacked up ovaries a break.
    Cycle #16 actively trying (May/June): Femara, TI = BFN
    Cycle #17- #20 - Med/Treatment break, trying on our own = BFN's all around.
    Cycle #21 - Femara, MORE Femara, Ovidrel and a Christmas IUI = BFN
    MY BLOG -- About DD, TTC and everything in between!

  • I understand. If its not pregnancy then you worry there's something serious going on with your body. I have noticed that the women on these forums are extremely rude and I'm sorry. You should pee on a stick. I'm personally trying to make it until I can. Haha good luck!
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