Toddlers: 24 Months+

Hand biting..

My son is 19 mo now and has a really bad habit of biting his hand. He usually does it when he is up to something mean. Now that he has been doing it for a while it is starting to make a scar on his poor little hand, so I need some advice on how to break him from this bad habit.

Re: Hand biting..

  • sorry just realized I posted this on the wrong message board. I'm going to repost it on the toddlers 12 to 24, but still if you have any advice lmk. Thank you.
  • Teach him a new behavior when you catch him biting, like hitting a pillow, counting, singing a certain song, stomping his feet, jumping, etc.


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  • jani7jani7 member
    My son does this too.  It started when he was getting in his molars and now it's almost like a nervous habit.  I've tried breaking it but as of now he still does it (he is 22 months).  He has a pretty good callous on his poor little hand.  Sorry no advice as I haven't been successful breaking the habit. 
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