Makayah is a mess. Is Shay the second mn or the last name? Alexis Shay/ Shea sounds fine. But if you're going to get creative with a name, the middle name spot is the place to do it.
Alexis is pretty but I can't get on board with Makayah. Have you considered Alexis Michaela? It's similar to Makayah without being too out there.
Also, I googled Makayah. According to Urban Dictionary, Makayah is an "annoying person that nobody likes due to obscene image and lack of intelligence." You don't want that for your little girl.
Alexis is nms but a fine name.. Makayah isn't attractive at all sorry If shay is in fact another mn and not your last I think Alexis Shay --- sounds nice
I'll be totally honest - my first thought was low class.
I've never cared for Alexis and Makayah is a mess of letters.
I agree. But part of it has to do with my association with the name. The only Alexis I know is totally trashy and works in a strip club. Makayah is all made up and trendy sounding.
To be honest, it seems a bit teen mom to me. I've never been able to get on board with Alexis, there's just something about it that seems very trashy. (Could be because there is a store called Alexis that sells clothes for women of the night...)
I kind of like Shay, but to me it's a bit of a boys name. (Shea)
I don't mind the sound of Makayah, but it seems like it should be spelled differently. For some reason it sounds Russian... and I don't speak Russian, so take that with a grain of salt.
Re: what do you think......
Emma Kate - born 10.16.03 @ 29 weeks, weighed 1lb 13oz and 13.5" long.
TTC #3
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I agree.
Yup...Makyah is a hot mess.
Alexis is fine.
Makayah is a mess. Is Shay the second mn or the last name? Alexis Shay/ Shea sounds fine. But if you're going to get creative with a name, the middle name spot is the place to do it.
Alexis is pretty but I can't get on board with Makayah. Have you considered Alexis Michaela? It's similar to Makayah without being too out there.
Also, I googled Makayah. According to Urban Dictionary, Makayah is an "annoying person that nobody likes due to obscene image and lack of intelligence." You don't want that for your little girl.
ETA: Just read the post about the urban dictionary definition. Please don't do that to your little girl.
I'll be totally honest - my first thought was low class.
I've never cared for Alexis and Makayah is a mess of letters.
Baby GIRL due 12/26
I kind of like Shay, but to me it's a bit of a boys name. (Shea)
Alexis is cool.
I don't mind the sound of Makayah, but it seems like it should be spelled differently. For some reason it sounds Russian... and I don't speak Russian, so take that with a grain of salt.
It's a nice name.
Alexis is ok.
makayah is yucko.
Shay is ok