Baby Names

girls names

I'm due at the end of the month, and we are down to two top choices:  Haley Noelle and Vanessa Noelle.  I also really like the name Natalia, but DH is not on board.  

Even though we both really like Haley and Vanessa, I'm not sure I LOVE either one.  Do you think it's easier to choose once you see the baby and have a face to go with the name, or harder because now you really have to commit to one?


Any opinions on the two we've chosen?  Or any other suggestions we might also like??  (Does not have to go with mn Noelle.)


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Re: girls names

  • I like Vanessa. It feels like a good adult name as well.
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  • I'm a big fan of Veronica, Penelope and Aria. They might be up your alley.

    We're having a boy and I think we'll wait until we've met him to pick the final name. We'll have the top three or four when we go into labor. I really hope it doesn't get harder when he's here!
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  • Vanessa Noelle is a lovely name. I agree that it will age better than Haley.
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  • imageEwych82:
    Vanessa Noelle is a lovely name. I agree that it will age better than Haley.

    This. Does DH like Natalie over Natalia?
  • Much prefer Hayley.... Not a fan of Veronica, sounds very old to me....
  • swgdvmswgdvm member
    Although i love haley, i agree it doesnt age well. Vanessa would get my vote.
  • Vanessa sounds more grown-up to me.
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  • bobceebobcee member
    My favorite is actually Natalia (obviously with a different MN though).  But, I do prefer Vanessa over Haley.  Personally I never understand when people say they are going to see what LO looks like or their personality before choosing a name because a newborn looks and definitely acts nothing like they will even a week later IMO. 

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    D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013

  • I like Natalia or Natalie the most, or perhaps Noelle in the fn spot.
  • imagebobcee:
    Personally I never understand when people say they are going to see what LO looks like or their personality before choosing a name because a newborn looks and definitely acts nothing like they will even a week later IMO.nbsp;

    This x 100. You will be an emotional, exhausted mess with a newborn to care for. I would suggest making major decisions beforehand. Just my opinion!
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  • with my first daughter we had the same thing. two names, with the same middle name. we chose once she came out. it wasn't a problem. We both looked at her and just new... :) GL!


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  • We had several final names with dd2 and it was hell deciding at the hospital. Do it now!!!

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  • Vanessa is a good name for your daughter.
  • Love Vanessa. Haley always sounds babyish to me. 
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