Cloth Diapering


Hi ladies. I just started putting cloth dipes on my daughter yesterday. I am using osocozy infant prefolds and thirsties duo wraps. She is over 8 pounds so it all technically fits. The problem is that they are so bulky. I seriously don't know how any onesies or anything with snaps are supposed to fit her. Will this improve as she gets bigger or does bulk just come with prefolds as a rule? Any tips to help it? If it helps, I do a jellyroll fold. Thanks!

Re: Bulkiness

  • In general, CDs are always more bulky than sposies.  However, I remember DS's prefolds making his bottom look HUGE when he was a newborn (8  lbs).  Now he's nearly 14 lbs and they don't look so bad. I haven't had a problem with snapping onesies, but I stick to stretchy pants.  You can get onsie extenders or just size up if it's a problem.
  • our baby was tiny with his first osocozy prefold on: just around 6lbs...they were bulky and sometimes we did size up on the onesies (certain brands, like Carter's).  Prefolds never leaked!

    like pp said, CDs will always be a little bulky.  It's a fluffy bum!

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  • It gets better, but I have found H M onesies to be the longest and best fitting, otherwise I size up, I prefer tshirts and a cute diaper though.
  • That was H and M, sorry on my mobile.
  • DD had a lot of bulk in the beginning but it seemed to trim down as she got bigger. I don't know if that's accurate or I just got used to the fluffy butt, because sometimes I see her next to a sposie butt kid and think WHOA, what a tush! lol but honestly, I don't care about needing to size up in clothes, I also avoid stiff clothes like jeans, she hates them anyways. It's worth it a hundred times over for the cute fluffy butt imo.
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