Nurseries and Baby Gear

Baby cameras

Ok I have posted this on a few of the boards but no one has any real suggestions. If you have a baby camera and dont mount it, what do u use to angle it on the dresser? We use a book but it is always moving and we need a better solution! If we do not angle it, it will not get the crib. TIA

Re: Baby cameras

  • Ours is on a shelf by the crib. There is a small blind spot but I'm ok with that because I can hear her even though I can't see her. What about using some of that foam mounting tape or that sticky stuff teachers use to put stuff on the wall? A little between the camera and what it is sitting on should minimize movement.
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  • klyannklyann member

    We had a hanging shelf next to the crib that we put it on.  Now DD is in a big girl bed and it is on the dresser.  She can reach it but very rarely messes with it. 

    Currently the new camera is on the book shelf in baby's room and faces the Rock n play next to the crib.  When he starts sleeping in the crib we will probably need to figure something else out.  I like the command strip idea.

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