Cloth Diapering

Stay dry fitteds?

I want to take the plunge and buy a fitted for overnights, but LO is really sensitive to moisture. I could swear I've seen stay dry fitteds before, but I looked again and can't figure out where. Any suggestions? I know I can just add a liner, but he wiggles like crazy in his sleep and liners always just end up in a crumbled tiny wad in his overnight diapers, so that isn't the ideal solution.

Also, cover or shorties or soaker? Fitteds are a whole new world for me.

January Siggy Challenge: Happy Dance

BabyFruit Ticker

BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
 BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14
, EDD 9-9-15

Re: Stay dry fitteds?

  • Oh, and not Thirsties. That did pop up when I looked for stay dry, but I hate Thirsties diapers.
    January Siggy Challenge: Happy Dance

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
     BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
    TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14
    , EDD 9-9-15

  • I use a wide fleece liner in my SBish OBFs and it works. One of my etsy fitteds has bamboo velour inside and LO does fine without a liner. When I was looking I couldn't find a stay dry one that was really widely well liked, and I needed bulletproof :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • To your other question-you can start with what you have. A PUL cover works fine to start for most people. Wool seems to be regarded as best, but requires special care. I'm trying fleece now and its working well.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • AMP makes stay dry fitted. I haven't tried them yet, but plan on it for daycare.
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