I want to take the plunge and buy a fitted for overnights, but LO is really sensitive to moisture. I could swear I've seen stay dry fitteds before, but I looked again and can't figure out where. Any suggestions? I know I can just add a liner, but he wiggles like crazy in his sleep and liners always just end up in a crumbled tiny wad in his overnight diapers, so that isn't the ideal solution.
Also, cover or shorties or soaker? Fitteds are a whole new world for me.
Re: Stay dry fitteds?
BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14, EDD 9-9-15