
Losing our post count

So this was briefly discussed in the crazy thread... But are we really losing our post counts?

I worked hard on that!

image image

Re: Losing our post count

  • That would be annoying.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm trying to see how many posts I can make before getting a nesticle. If it has anything to do with your points, I've got a long way to go yet. My posts:points ratio is so oddly skewed.
    "To me, you are perfect."

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  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    I'm trying to see how many posts I can make before getting a nesticle. If it has anything to do with your points, I've got a long way to go yet. My posts:points ratio is so oddly skewed.

    Weird. I thought it happened around 13k posts?

    I did too. So now I can only assume that points are factored into it somehow. If that's the case, I'll never get one. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    I'm trying to see how many posts I can make before getting a nesticle. If it has anything to do with your points, I've got a long way to go yet. My posts:points ratio is so oddly skewed.

    Weird. I thought it happened around 13k posts?

    I did too. So now I can only assume that points are factored into it somehow. If that's the case, I'll never get one. 

    Start a post and just ask everyone to repeatedly quote the OP! A new form of AMA?


    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imageGhostMonkey:

    I'm trying to see how many posts I can make before getting a nesticle. If it has anything to do with your points, I've got a long way to go yet. My posts:points ratio is so oddly skewed.

    Weird. I thought it happened around 13k posts?

    I did too. So now I can only assume that points are factored into it somehow. If that's the case, I'll never get one. 

    Nope. You have to be in the top 500 posters for total post count.

    Back in the day you used to be able to sort by all members and figure out what the cutoff was. Now it's a mystery.


    Hmm. I guess I'll look back at each of my comments, in suspense, waiting for the nesticle to drop. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    But someone just got a nesticle around 13k points. Crap, now who was it? 

    I think it was Ella? 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imageLoisLayn23:
    It's the top 500 contributors, not the 500 people with the most posts. You can lose a nesticle if you are inactive for a while.

    Ahh, okay. So I can be a Bump eunuch indefinitely. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imageEllaHella:

    I got the nesticles right at 13,000.


    Eff you guys.  I am special.

    That's right. Keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you feel better. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    I'm trying to see how many posts I can make before getting a nesticle. If it has anything to do with your points, I've got a long way to go yet. My posts:points ratio is so oddly skewed.

    Weird. I thought it happened around 13k posts?

    I did too. So now I can only assume that points are factored into it somehow. If that's the case, I'll never get one. 

    Nope. You have to be in the top 500 posters for total post count.

    Back in the day you used to be able to sort by all members and figure out what the cutoff was. Now it's a mystery.


    But doesn't that mean only 500 people have nesticles?

    Yes. They aren't for everyone. You have to be special.


    But someone just got a nesticle around 13k points. Crap, now who was it? 

    That was me!

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  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:

    But someone just got a nesticle around 13k points. Crap, now who was it? 

    That was me!

    ^^^ Oh yeah, it was this chick! Lol

    Funnily enough I still have almost 150k points.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageLoisLayn23:

    It's the top 500 contributors, not the 500 people with the most posts. You can lose a nesticle if you are inactive for a while.

    So what do we contribute other than posts?


    No, I mean it's not the 500 top posters ever. It's the 500 top posters right meow.

    So, it means I'm like the biggest PW evar?

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageEllaHella:

    I got the nesticles right at 13,000.


    Eff you guys.  I am special.

    That's right. Keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you feel better. 

    Shut up and lick my nesticles.

    *sighs, kneels* 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • Every time I see this thread title, I sing "Losing my Religion" in my head to myself.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageItsAllGravy7:

    Every time I see this thread title, I sing "Losing my Religion" in my head to myself.
    I almost started an entire new post about this. I've made a whole bump song in my head.

    That's me in the office. 

    That's me on my mobile. 

    But now I'm losing my post count.

    Trying to keep up with you guys. 

    And I don't know how you do it. 


    Someone help me. 

    You're good.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Love that, Gravy.

    S/O Losing my Religion... Did anyone see the nudie selfies of Michael Stipe a while back?

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageBostonKisses2:

    Love that, Gravy.

    S/O Losing my Religion... Did anyone see the nudie selfies of Michael Stipe a while back?

    I haven't, and I'm not sure I would want to.  On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, how bad were they? 

    Well, he's not someone I'd go out of my way to see nekkid, that's for sure.  He doesn't have a bad body, though.  I'd say about a 6.5? 

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • ::steps in to check my nesticle status::
  • imageBostonKisses2:

    Love that, Gravy.

    S/O Losing my Religion... Did anyone see the nudie selfies of Michael Stipe a while back?

    I haven't, and I'm not sure I would want to.  On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, how bad were they? 

    IIRC they were trying to be more artsy than sexy. So while they were sort of odd to see, it wasn't like you needed eye bleach like the Fred Durst sex tape. More like "oh, that's Michael Stipe naked. Huh.".
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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  • imageSookieFrackhouse68:

    Fred Durst hasn't drowned in a pool of his own awful yet?


    The sex tape was from a while ago.

    But Limp Bizkit is touring this Summer with 4/5 of their original line-up. Thanks, wikipedia! I bet you could scalp some tix, Sook.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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