I tried to have it removed a few weeks back, but the strings were short, so the doctor could not get it out. Now I am seeing a GYN next week and hopefully it will be out.
1. How long to get a period?
2. Did your sex drive improve? If so, how long did that take?
Re: If you had Mirena removed
I had it removed last September due to a 4cm cyst near where the Mirena was placed. I started to bleed within a day of it removed. It was not a normal period. My cycle returned the next month, where it has been regular ever since. I didn't have a big issue with my sex drive while I had Mirena, but I did notice a slight increase.
Hope you all turns up well with getting it removed!
I had mine placed in Jan 2012 and had it removed in Oct 2012. I was fine on it for a few months and then it all went downhill. I gained 11 lbs in 1 month, my acne went crazy, sex drive plummeted, stomach bloated, and I turned into a raging b!tch (I never get hormonal).
My period never went away fully while I had it. I actually had it removed during my period for comfort purposes. My sex drive came back pretty quickly (maybe a month) and is better than it has been in quite a while now that I am hormone free.
my read shelf:
I am glad you felt better once it was out!
unfortunately, getting mine out is proving to be difficult. Ugh. Going for a third attempt in two weeks, then I will have to have it surgically removed if they can't get it out.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d