Both our girls seem to be experiencing reflux. We went to the pedi last week b.c both were non stop crying and fussing all day everyday for the last 2 weeks. They also have been spitting up a lot during some of their feedings. Not all but about half of them. The dr suggested to use mylicon to see if that helped, and it certainly has for fussiness and crying, but they seem to still be a little off and are still spitting up.
My question to you is what did your pedi have you do to help with this? Did you switch formulas, zantac etc??
Re: tell me about your babies with acid reflux
One of ours had reflux. Before the pediatrician could prescribe anything, she had us go through the motion of other alternatives, etc. So we tried different formulas, rice cereal, sitting him upright after every feeding. I can't recall the other things since it seems so long ago. But in the end, the doc prescribed Zantac. In about a week, he was a happy baby - a side we hadn't seen before. He must have been so miserable, poor thing. He was on Zantac for about 4 months, I think. Again, it's kind of a blur.
So to answer your question, nothing worked for our baby, except the Zantac. I'm sure every baby is different. I'm sorry that you have two of them going through this. I couldn't imagine both of mine having reflux. It was hell with just one. Good luck!
Both my twins had reflux. DS was the spit up/vomit king, but rarely cried. DD's was "silent". Drink, burp, scream/cry and refuse to eat more.
We used rice in bottles (1 tsp/ounce or Tbsp..I can't remember) for DS and only a little rice for DD's bottles. We used nutramigen formula. Our dr wasn't comfortable prescribing the amount of meds they needed so we went to a pedi GI. They were on both zantac and prevacid. DD was off meds @ 13.5 mo old and DS was off meds @ 15.5 mo.
I hope you all get some relief soon!
Can I ask what formula did you use while your son was taking the Zantac? And how did you know he was ready to come off? We just started with the gentlease today, but I don't think its going to work well...b/c they are still spitting up. So I think the next steo will be Zantac, unless we go with the AR formula.
Also, did your son have any side effects from the Zantac?