
Particular Eater!

DD is almost 15 weeks and she is a funny little thing! At her 2 month check up the dr was concerned about her weight gain and so I worked with a LC and she suggested I do compressions to ensure DD was emptying my breast.

I always had only offered one side at each feeding but now I offer the second side.

The strange part is that after nursing on the first side a few mins she comes off to burp but then wants the second side and refuses the first. So she ends up nursing more/longer on that second side. I KNOW there is plenty left in that first side...sometimes she won't even take that second side after not finishing the first. Thus she rarely empties either side.

Her weight gain has improved averages 1 pound every two weeks so I guess there isn't anything to be concerned about so I guess I am just wondering if anyone else's LO has funny preferences too?

DD #1: March 20, 2013
DD # 2: May 2, 2015
EDD #3: March 4, 2018


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