So, I think I *may* be in pre or very early labor. I've been by Text-Enhance">contracting consistently for 3 days now.. the timing varies.. anywhere from 8-12 minutes depending on my activity, or spaced out to like 20-30 minutes if I'm laying down. But, the intensity of the contractions are definitely increasing.. they are definite contractions, not BH. (I had an OB appointment on Thursday and she picked up 8 contractions in 50 minutes on my NST). With the contractions, I'm having tons of strong cramping and low back ache..
I am scheduled for an RCS because my deliveries will be ~12 months apart. I know she said they want to avoid my ute from contracting, and possibly tearing my incision..
My question is.. at what point do I contact my OB? My contractions are intense, but not close together as long as I stay off my feet.. I've had a little bit of spotting today, but not enough to think it was my MP.. When I saw my OB Thursday and she saw all the contractions I had just said to her my "motto" so far was that as long as I was able to go to sleep at night and sleep through them, I was holding out going to OB triage. She said sounds like a good plan...
I don't know.. I'm just so unsure!! With DS I was induced, so I didn't "labor" at home. I was having BH with him (not nearly as strong as the contractions I've been feeling this time though!!) and I was having some mild cramping (again not nearly as strong as what I"m having) and when I was admitted I was 3-4cm and 80% effaced..
My next OB appointment is Wednesday.. and, I'm supposed to be going to work tomorrow (I drive ~2hours each way!!)... what would you do? Those who had an RCS, what point did you go to the hospital?
Re: XP PAL: Those who had an RCS come in please..
I agree about not driving that far in that condition. If you wanted to try for a VBAC I would say just hold out at home as long as you can. But due to your reasons for having the RCS I'd call the on-call number for the OB and get their input.
Since you're 35w I would contact your OB now.
My RCS was at 38w due to medical reasons and I was in early labor the weekend before he came. My dr was out of town so I "ignored" them, but then got "scolded" for ignoring them.