What do you ladies do for night time diapers? My little guy is a heavy wetter (5 months old), especially at night. I have noticed the fitteds seem to be popular, as do wool covers, but i am very allergic to wool, and worry that DS would be to. So i am wonder what all my options would be. My stash is all pockets right now, and i have a variety of inserts, microfiber, hemp, cotton, and bamboo (scored a huge used lot for a good price). So what would you recommend? He sleeps through the night, usually 12 hour stretches and the idea of waking him up to change him then fight to get him back down makes me want to cry a little.. Lol.
7/5/11 MC at 8 weeks. 5/17/12 BFP, twins EDD 1/20/13! 6/20/12 Baby B's heart has stopped beating. 8/31/12 Baby A is a boy! And is perfectly healthy and thriving. 1/19/2013 emergency c-section, Thoren is perfect. 3/1/2013 told i will never be able to conceive again. 12/16/13 told they were wrong!
Re: Newbie question-
You can use a regular PUL cover instead of wool, it just won't breathe as well.
I have read on the Soakers and Longies forum on Ravelry that there are some people who have had some success using acrylic to knit soakers, and they say it works pretty well. I'm not sure, but I think you wouldn't have to lanolize it, and it would still breathe, and since it's acrylic it would not wick moisture to clothing outside of it. At least that's how I think it would work ...