
Sunday confession/vent

We are going to the beach. DH invited his brother and nephews. I can't stand them. The vent is that they're coming and the shaneful confession is how much I dislike a couple of kids. Plus some other friends are coming that don't get along with his brother and they're irritated that he's coming so it should be an awesomely awkward day. I'll just focus on playing with my kiddos and making a fun day for them.
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Re: Sunday confession/vent

  • There's no rule that says you have to like everyone's kids. I know a fair share of kids I avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, I got stuck with one of them yesterday, my neighbor's kid. He shot me and my two year old in the face, repeatedly, with a squirt gun. After several warnings, I lost my sht. Of course, I'm the one who looked like an azzhole for yelling at someone else's kid, but jfc!
  • IMO, the best thing about kids is that you can be "too busy" to mingle with whoever, wherever. Also, getting to leave things early.

    I hope it's not too awkward. If it is, make something up and shoot down the beach by yourselves.

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  • Some families are just azzholes.

    Hope you have fun anyways!
  • Thanks guys for justifying my dislike! They were off by themselves most of the day and I swam and built sand castles with my kids. Super fun day!
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