Cloth Diapering

successful NYC trip!

We made it through our NYC trip! It was a three hour car ride there-longest car ride with M previously was 25 minutes.  

4 things I discovered about parenting while we were out and about:

1) holy crap we carry around so much stuff now!

2) CDs are much nicer because you don't have to worry about dipe disposal when you're forced to change LO under the table (which brings me to #3)

3) most places are not baby friendly! The restroom of the restaurant had no sort of baby-changing station

4) I was very happy to not have to deal with bottles while walking around NYC. For me, it was much easier to find a seat off to the side and nurse when he was hungry.  Allowed him to be fed before the crying from being starving hit

When traveling with your babies, what has been your biggest challenge? It certainly wasn't CDs! :)

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