Sorry for the long post but I have a quesiton...
I just stumbled across this board, it's been a while since I'v even been on the bump but I'm glad I found the board.
Here's my question...while reintroducing a potential allergen should I just eat it just one day and see if there is a reaction in the next few days or should I eat it for a few days and then see if a reaction occurs?
Here's our story...
I'm 95% sure my DD has a MSPI so as of 3 weeks ago I went totally dairy free (I was missing the hidden ingredients in some products for 2 weeks prior) I've been 100% soy free for just about 2 weeks. I know she can not tolerate eggs so those have been ruled out for about 2 weeks as well.
The past 3 days she has been doing so well, no intense gas pain and/or crying or abnormally runny stools.
She's 14 weeks, EBF and I'm wondering if her improvement is due to the allergens finally leaving our systems or if her system has developed further.
I hate to mess up a good thing by reintroducing products to soon.
I was thinking about trying out soybeans in the next day or so and see if she has a reaction.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Elimination diet... reintroduction question.