

This may seem like a dumb question, but I wanted to get opinions from the more experienced parents than I, so bare with me.

My son is almost 6 months and usually a pretty good night sleeper. He goes down at 9pm ish without issue most of the time and sleels thru til about 8am ish. He's been teething probably a good month now, some days/nights I can tell his mouth definitely bothers him more than others, but I try not to give tylenol unless he seems truly in pain and won't settle otherwise.

The past week or so there have been a few nights, tonight being one of them, that he'll go down fine but within an hour or 2 will wake up screaming suddenly and inconsolable for a bit, which is unlike him. Its scary how suddenly he wakes in a full out scream. No fever or any other sick symptoms so I can only assume its teething. I know tylenol is safe to give every 4 hours as needed, but I obviously dont want to give it unnecessarily. But I also don't want my poor baby to have to be in pain.

Would you give the tylenol in this situation or just try to comfort him and ride it out?
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  • If your 100 percent sure it's teething pain and not gas or something else I would give the tylenol.  
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  • imageItsAllGravy7:
    have you started solids recently or made any other changes? i woukd give tylenol only if i was 100 percent comfortable its teething. if youve made food changed it could be gas or tummy problems which tylenol and ibuprofen can make worse. if everything is the same other than the teeth id give tylenol. gl, mama. sleep issues are rough at any age.

    Hes been on solids since 4 1/2 months, but we've been trying different purees recently, so yeah, you make a good point. I honestly didn't even think of that, I don't know why. And like you, I really try not to give tylenol unless I know its the teething. Thanks for your help!
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  • Is he showing other symptoms of teething?

    If not, he's probably having a bad dream. My son started to do this around seven months about once a week. If you go in and you're able to console him back to sleep, that's what I'd do. I don't like giving out Tylenol randomly either.

    Also, a heads up since he's 6 months old, you can ditch the Tylenol. You're coming up on some rough teething waters and Motrin will tackle that ish far better.
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  • Have you tried Gripe Water?? It helped calm Ds when he used to do this. Its mostly herbal so I was more comfortable giving this than actual meds. 
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  • imageLaurelBee:
    Have you tried Gripe Water?? It helped calm Ds when he used to do this. Its mostly herbal so I was more comfortable giving this than actual meds.nbsp;

    We have tried gripe water in the past, though it didn't seem to do too much for him.
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  • imagebigbootyjudi:
    Is he showing other symptoms of teething?

    If not, he's probably having a bad dream. My son started to do this around seven months about once a week. If you go in and you're able to console him back to sleep, that's what I'd do. I don't like giving out Tylenol randomly either.

    Also, a heads up since he's 6 months old, you can ditch the Tylenol. You're coming up on some rough teething waters and Motrin will tackle that ish far better.

    See, I was also wondering if it could possibly be a dream, but figured he was way too young for that to be the case.

    I definitely plan on picking up some Motrin for the future once he turns 6 months. Im just a little nervous bc as it is with tylenol, we've been having to use suppositories bc DS will not stomach the liquid. We're not quite sure if it was the dye or the goopy consistency of the oral suspension. I haven't tried the dye free yet. I'll probably get the dye free Motrin just to be safe. Hopefully he takes it ok, bc I don't believe they make ibuprofen suppositories!

    Eta..yes, he is definitely showing signs of teething. Lots of drooling, violently chewing on things, some mild diaper rash intermittently, swollen gums with 2 little teeth marks on his bottom gum.
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  • I'm honestly on team Tylenol/Motrin. Children can't voice when they're in pain so I don't think it's "unnecessary" to give it when you suspect something's wrong. You'll never be 100 percent sure and these medications are safe when you follow the recommendations so I don't get people's hesitation.



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  • imagemamaREB29:
    I'm honestly on team Tylenol/Motrin. Children can't voice when they're in pain so I don't think it's "unnecessary" to give it when you suspect something's wrong. You'll never be 100 percent sure and these medications are safe when you follow the recommendations so I don't get people's hesitation.

    See, I'm probably somewhere in the middle. On one hand, I don't want to be all like, ''oh my kid's crying, maybe I should give him tylenol/motrin'' for every little thing. But in the same token, like you said, these meds are safe when used properly and when they're this little you can never be 100 percent surefif they're in pain. Could be teething, could a headache...the list goes on. And I certainly want to give him something if hes in pain.

    Thanks for your help!
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  • imagepeanutrach1:
    If it continues for a couple more days I would consider going to the doctor. DD did this a couple of weeks ago and it turned out to be an ear infection. Better safe than sorry.

    Also, I am with you on the Tylenol. We don't give it regularly but if it seems bad we will.

    Eta also I hope you this passes quickly for your DS. I hate feeling helpless in those situations. GL!

    I'm wondering the same thing, even though we brought him in to the pedi a couple weeks ago to rule out an ear infection, but the pedi did say if it persists to bring him back in. But I'd think if its an ear infection, he'd have a fever, no?
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  • I would give some motrin, but observe during the daytime tomorrow. If LO feels ok [other than grumpiness], I'd assume teething. Now that summer is here we've finally beat the ear infucktions and illness.

    But trust your intuition. At 6 mo we were at the doc on a Fri... checked out fine. Went in the next Wed for a cold [they made me feel like that dumb mom that takes their kid for a sniffle]... double ear infection. Went in Friday for junky breathing... RSV and low oxygen, clear chest Xray, got admitted to hospital. Sunday a second Xray revealed double pneumonia. We were at the hospital for over a week. I learned to trust my gut and brush off stupid FTM criticism.

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