
Toddler sleep question

So I think I screwed up my toddler's sleep habits. For the most part since an infant she was a great sleeper, so I never worried about CIO or anything. (minus teething, etc)

Well I took her on a girl's trip in NYC, and we were staying over for three nights and for the first time in her life we had to bedshare. And of course, I laid down with her to fall asleep.

Fast forward to tonight, where she is flipping out because she doesn't want to sleep in her crib (which was never a problem) and she wants me to rub her arm to sleep. Before this she was always about to get herself to sleep. The problem is she is smart--and still uses a paci at bedtime. So to ploy me into the room, she throws the paci out of her crib and starts crying hysterical for it. I give it to her, leave and she does it again. Rinse and repeat.

Any suggestions? Just have a glass of wine and realize it will be a LONG night?  

My daughter is my hero.

Re: Toddler sleep question

  • Thanks! I just saw your post-and I feel so bad. Bedtimes issues are tough.

    I think in some ways because I am a novice with them---I don't know what to even attempt to try.

    I am also concerned because we will be going away to a wedding next week and she will be sleeping at grandma's--so I feel like it will be a while before getting back on track.  

    My daughter is my hero.
  • My vote is to be tough and consistent and get her back into a good routine.  It will take a few nights, but its better than unleashing the beast of having new found sleep demands.  Stick to your old bed time routine and if she complains just go in, sing a song (or whatever you normally do) and remind her kindly but firmly that its bed time and leave.  If she fusses let her be.  If she puts up a real stink, just go in, make it brief, tell her she will be ok and you love her, but she needs to go to sleep.  Rinse, repeat until she poops herself out and gives in. I personally would rather deal with a couple of thought evenings than months of it.

     Good luck 

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  • imageIgoo0304:

    For about a month before weaning from the paci, our rule was if he threw it, he must not need it that badly. He got two warnings, and then he didn't get it back.

    Stop giving back the paci and start drinking. 

    agree.  Or put 10 paci's in the crib  

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I was going to also suggest giving a warning and then stop giving the paci back. She's over 2, and imo, if bedtime's already going to crap you might as well try to ditch the paci now instead of risking having to mess with it again at a later time.
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  • I like the giving warning ideas. I think she is asleep now. I am not brave enough to go up and check on her though.

    My DH is going to be gone tomorrow night--so hopefully she does a little better tomorrow night. 

    My daughter is my hero.
  • imageIgoo0304:

    I like the giving warning ideas. I think she is asleep now. I am not brave enough to go up and check on her though.

    My DH is going to be gone tomorrow night--so hopefully she does a little better tomorrow night. 

    My unsolicited advice: that was one of DS's signs he was ready to ditch the paci. Putting a hole in the tip worked really well for us. He would suck on it, say it broke, and then throw it in the trash. By the third day, he had thrown away all his paci stashes. 

    When we were in NYC, all of the pacis I brought (I think 3 or 4) she chewed holes in the tips. However, she still is using them--and doesn't think they are "broken" yet. But she always bit on things--when she doesn't have a paci she will chew on her fingers.  

    My daughter is my hero.
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