April 2013 Moms

Bottle nipples

Are you going to move to the next level nipple when your baby turns 3 mos (or whatever the next level age is for your bottles) or are you looking for certain signs that he or she is ready for the next level? If you switched before 3 mos, why? We use Dr. Brown's...

Similar question with pacifiers - do you automatically move on to the ones for 3 mos + at 3 mos?


Re: Bottle nipples

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    Ella is a week shy of 3 months..we tried next size to see if that would help her fussy eating issues..next level was a bit to fast will try again In a few weeks..we use dr browns also..I was told to switch when they seem fussy or seems like they Are sucking air
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    We use the calma Medela bottle nipples. They are great, the more and harder he sucks on the nipple, the more comes out. We don't have to worry about changing flows. I dont know if they work on dr brown bottles though.
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    We moved to the level 2 dr. Brown nipples last week. LO is just over 2 months, but she seemed to get frustrated while feeding. She'd suck for a few minutes then start to cry then suck alittle more. It was taking her 30 mins to eat 4 oz. Since we switched she eats 4 oz in about 15 mins without getting fussy. She does spit up a bit more. 


    Also, I didn't realize there are ages on pacifiers, I'm going to look into this. 

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