April 2013 Moms

To Wake or Not?

The last two days DD has taken a 3.5-4 hr nap in the morning and another 3-4 hr nap in the afternoon.  Today being day 3 she's currently at 3.5 hrs.  I'm wondering if I should wake her?  Her sleep at night doesn't seem to be affected by these long naps.  She's only 10 weeks so I don't think she's going through any growth spurt just yet.

Re: To Wake or Not?

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    FWIW, we don't have DD on any set schedule.  We've been following the recommendation to let her eat when she's hungry and sleep when she's tired.
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    God no! Lol I don't believe in waking sleeping babies. They need sleep at this age.

    Plus, would you want to be waken up from a nap?

    DS has 4 to 5 hour naps every afternoon
    TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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    I mostly let him self-regulate his eating and sleeping schedule.  Once in a while, if I have several things I need to do during the day or something, I'll wake him up to feed him so that I don't have to do it while out and about, but those times are rare.  I figure it is the one chance in life he has to sleep all he wants. ;-) 

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    I would not wake her if you don't have to. Enjoy her nap time!
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    agytayagytay member

    What would be your reason for waking her?

    Babies need their sleep just like they need to eat. Follow your LO's cues and enjoy the break. 

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    Our doc suggested that he not go more than 4 hrs w/o eating (during the day) but he's tiny for his age and he's never napped that long so we haven't had to worry lol. If she's happy/healthy, I'd let her go. :)
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    How do all you people get such good sleepers? My LO takes one 2-3 hour nap each day and a bunch of cat naps. I would love two 3 hour naps! Neither of my older girls were ever great sleepers, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. At least I'm getting a 5-6 hour stretch at night, right?
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    You will miss those long naps by my son's age... serious... he wants to be awake and nosy all the time. Those 4 hour naps since birth are now 45 minutes at most, and it was sudden..like one day he said " Okay mom, I will be awake with you... and fuss the moment you don't give me your undivided attention."

    I love interacting with him.. just a woman has to eat/bathe/etc.. He does activities and spends time with others.. but those catch his attention for only 5-10 minutes, then I have to get his fussy butt and the moment he is with me he stops and coos lol. I love it that I can make him happy.. but I also love my arm or chest not being sweaty holding him or in a carrier. Once in a while he will find something interesting for a long time. Not saying yours will be like that, but at some point thier naps shorten. 

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    Thanks Ladies!  DD isn't STTN regularly yet, maybe once a week, so I'm hopeful she'll start adding extra days.  I just didn't know if I let her sleep too long if it would flip her back to sleeping during the day and wanting to play at night.

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    Our LO just slept from 1:45 until 7:20 this afternoon. It was hard not to wake him but I trust his body is doing exactly what it needs!
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    Thanks Ladies!nbsp; DD isn't STTN regularly yet, maybe once a week, so I'm hopeful she'll start adding extra days.nbsp; I just didn't know if I let her sleep too long if it would flip her back to sleeping during the day and wanting to play at night.

    DS sleeps long naps during the day and STTN. All they should be doing right now is eating, sleeping and about 2 hrs of awake time in between each nap. I know for DS personally he starts getting tired and fussy after 2 hrs of being awake during the day
    TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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