I'm 27 wks with di/di twin boys with
TwinA measuring 1.2 kg
TwinB measuring 585 grams
That's like half the size of the other one!
In the last two wks I've started protein shakes and upping my protein and in that two wks twinB put on 140 grams rather then the usual 6070 grams a fortnight so that's great news twin b approx measuring a month behind twin a
Everything else is going well such as blood flow, fluids etc. it's just the growth, as long as he keeps growing and will obviously over 500 g before 28 wks is great as we would of had some tough decisions to make. Lets hope things continue to do well.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar ? What tips or advice do you have? What was your outcome ? Any information will be appreciated ..
Oh and the professor that we saw seem to think I will make 32 wks but hopefully we can make it further ;
Re: IUGR in di/di twins
I experienced something very similar, although I am unsure of the exact measurements now. At 24 weeks, my Baby A was measuring almost a month behind Baby B, but at 27 weeks she had caught up. At 31 weeks she was again behind, and stayed behind until I delivered due to PPROM at 34.5 weeks. I increased my protein intake threefold, and drank at least 2 Ensure Protein drinks a day. I also rested A LOT. Like, if I wasn't working, I was running our household from the couch with my feet up. I think my DS may have saluted me a time or two!
All in all, as long as your baby keeps growing, and all of the dopplers are fine, there is no reason that you cannot make it past 32 weeks. I had IUGR and GD on board, and if my membranes hadn't ruptured, I would likely have made it all the way to my scheduled C-section at 38 weeks!
My MFM said there's nothing I can do to help, curious about how much protein you were advised to get. I've been making sure I get 100 grams a day but wondering if it should be even higher.
Hoping both of our LOs keep growing and stay put for a while!