April 2013 Moms


We do plan to vaccinate our baby girl. But we would like to spread it out good. How is everyone else spreading it out for their little one? And what shots are all included in getting vaccinated?

Re: Vaccine

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    Research Dr. Sears delayed schedule. He has an awesome book about it!
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    I agree w looking at Dr. Sears book. It's a fantastic resource!
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    I read that there is not a lot of medical research supporting delayed vaccine schedules. You might want to research Dr. Sears vaccine schedule through some independent sources as well as his.
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    Dr sears is a good starting point. We split ours into two visits, so they are not delayed. She'll get her 3 of her 4 month shots at 4 months, and 2 more at 4 months and two weeks. We have allergy concerns and our Pedi has no problems at all with us doing it this way.
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